This beautiful kitchen and dining area was nowhere near as open and bright before its major makeover. In order to create additional space and allow for more natural light to permeate the kitchen, walls were removed, and all the door openings and windows were enlarged. Many pre-existing materials were then replaced by new and repurposed ones. The floors are reclaimed hemlock and spruce that were screened in order to leave as much original color and texture as possible. The countertops are honed Carrara marble, the beams are fir, and the surrounding cabinets are painted in order to contrast the rustic flooring. To top it off, the door and windows to the left of the refrigerator (the western elevation) allow for access to a covered porch and terrace.
Conner and Buck Design Build Contractors
Interior Designer: Annette Tatum
Cabinetry: Fine Lines in Wood
Countertops: Burlington Marble and Granite
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Conner and Buck