The Fine Homebuilding Podcast
The show is driven by our listeners, so please subscribe and rate us on iTunes, Spotify, YouTube Music, or wherever you prefer to listen. If you have any questions you would like us to dig into for a future show, shoot an email our way: [email protected]
The Fine Homebuilding Podcast embodies Fine Homebuilding magazine’s commitment to the preservation of craftsmanship and the advancement of home performance in residential construction. The show is an informal but vigorous conversation about the techniques and principles that allow listeners to master their design and building challenges.
For interviews with some of our favorite builders, designers, and other industry experts, listen to past episodes of the Fine Homebuilding PRO TALK Podcast.
The show is driven by our listeners, so please subscribe and rate us on iTunes, Spotify, YouTube Music, or wherever you prefer to listen. If you have any questions you would like us to dig into for a future show, shoot an email our way: [email protected]
The Fine Homebuilding Podcast embodies Fine Homebuilding magazine’s commitment to the preservation of craftsmanship and the advancement of home performance in residential construction. The show is an informal but vigorous conversation about the techniques and principles that allow listeners to master their design and building challenges.
For interviews with some of our favorite builders, designers, and other industry experts, listen to past episodes of the Fine Homebuilding PRO TALK Podcast.
Podcast Episode 647: Sealing Can Lights, Porch Conversions, and Redwood Siding
FHB Podcast Segment: How to Get Airtight Recessed Lighting Every Time
FHB Podcast Segment: Insulating Problematic Porch Conversion Windows
Podcast Episode 646: Overhanging Floors, Sustainable Building, and Bath Fans
FHB Podcast Segment: Sealing Joist-Bay Gaps Properly
Podcast Episode 645: Suspect Chimneys, Black Windows, and Worries about Rot
FHB Podcast Segment: Masonry Chimney Care 101
FHB Podcast Segment: How Long Will Black Window Frames Last?
FHB Podcast Segment: An Impressive Home Renovation
Podcast Episode 644: High Indoor Humidity, Underfloor HVAC Returns, and Textured Ceilings