1. Having fiberglass insulation blown into an older home that has wood lathe plaster walls. Exterior is vinyl sided. Contractor will remove pieces of siding, drill holes and blow in the insulation. Does the plaster provide a vapor barrier or should the interior walls be painted with a ‘vapor barrier’ paint? 2. Same house has a finished attic. The ceiling is sheet rock attached to the roof rafters. Contractor wants to blow the fiber glass insulation into the space between the sheet rock and the roof decking. Is it ok to have the insulation against the roof decking or should there be an air space under the roof decking? 3. Is blown in fiberglass better than blown in cellulose?
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cellulose is a better insulation. It will fill your walls better because the fiber is very small. Fiberglass fiber is larger and it could hang up on wiring and leave voids. Cellulose will reduce the air infiltration and give you alot tighter home. They make furnace filters out of fiberglass so it won't stop air infiltration