Not long ago a client called and wanted someone to look at his garage door openings. Seems there was moss growing out one corner, a bad sign. The house is sided with vinyl, the garage a 15 yo addition. There was not a square inch of house wrap or flashing of any type anywhere.
The openings were framed with 2×6 DF jambs and cased with 2×4 DF. The jambs and casings were wrapped with al. coil, but not flashed or nailed on top to the casings. Water migrated (flooded?) past the coil trim and into the framing. The right bay was the worst of the 2, as a valley above created a waterfall which fell on the 2×4 casing ledge.
Damage resulted in the replacement of all 8 jacks, 1 king stud, all jambs and casings, and some other 2x material. The headers were slung under the top plate and were spared. In the last pic you can see thru the 2 jacks and the white decay of the king stud that had to be replaced. When we pulled on the coil trim around the right head jamb, the whole thing fell away. There were 2 active carp ant nests, one in each head jamb.
We replaced all the framing and sheathing, wrapped the RO with vycore and tar paper, then installed vinyl jambs and casings. The HO had his BIL follow our repair by ripping down the rest of the siding, wrapping the structure, then reinstalling the vinyl.
I know (hope?) this is an unusual installation, that we are smarter today (even the siding nails were driven almost flush with the sheathing, crating the ripple effect), but thought you might like to see the results of siding installed very wrong.
thanks Nick,
Nice to see some exploratory surgery in advance of things we might find. The beauty..........or not............. of remodeling and repair is the visual library we are viewing daily in our work.
What's comical is the realization that once we've seen it all........there's always something that trumps it.
appreciate the photo shoot.
Remodeling Contractor just outside the Glass City.
Quittin' Time
cool...i can spell ka-ching. it is a shame a pizz poor job was done with a material that COULD have been done right. I see it all the time, KMART type installers.
Spheramid Enterprises Architectural Woodworks
Repairs, Remodeling, Restorations.
"A Vinyl Disaster"
Isn't that redundant???
I had a job very similar to that this summer. The vinyl J-channel that set just above the door was caulked to the trim. So all the water just sat there.
Not as bad as your what is in your pics, but all of the garage door trim boards had to be replaced.
Rich Beckman
Another day, another tool.
You can thank the original remodeler for your job security!
I had an old carpenter named Buck tell me "you gotta create something for your old age...!"