Abatron concrete resurfacing products

Does anyone have any experience with using Abatron’s products for concrete repair/resurfacing of exterior concrete (i.e. pops in concrete stairs)?
Other recommendations?
Thanks for the input.
I used the abocrete product to repair the stairs to my basement about 15 years ago and it has held up fine...far better than any standard portland cement patching product. The biggest problem is that it is very "sticky" and does not tool easily. Also, if you are going to use some type of wooden form to form the steps, make sure that you use some type of relief agent to keep the wood from sticking to the product; otherwise you'll never get it loose. They recommend wax paper or plastic wrap, because the product won't stick to either. Or, slathering the wood with Butcher's Wax. Vasoline would also probably work.
Good stuff but it doesn't look much like concrete so if you're trying to patch a spot it will always look funny. Real tough to tool too.
Yeah, if you look at their ads and promotional materials, the finished product in the "before and after" pictures is always painted to mask the difference in appearance between their product and the old concrete!
never used abatron, but i love using ardex. Ardex CD, or Ardex CD Fine is great stuff. works great in cold climates. the CD stands for concrete dressing, if you use it on the entire piece of concrete it will look brand new. i love this stuff.
Thanks for the heads up on Ardex. I checked out the site and will give them a call on Monday.My concern with Abatron was with the ease of workability. It seems like the Ardex product is a lot more user friendly, and gives a more aesthetic final look to the repaired area.Thanks for everyone's input.DIA
Ardex is very user friendly, but becareful this stuff will set fast once you get it on the concrete. i'm using it this week to fix the weather lip on my garage. just make sure you follow the mixing instructions. it has a 30 min. pot life, but only a few min. once it hits the concrete (alot depends on the weather conditions).
good luck