I had to create an access pannel in a beautiful hallway yesterday (hammer through drywall) to repair a plumbing leak in a shower fixture. I would like to add a access pannel instead of just patching the drywall. (1/2″ drywall only, no wallpaper etc.)
I can not envision a sexy way to do this. Most of the panels I have seen look scabbed in with a little trim. Any creative suggestions?
Paneled wainscoting, with one of the panels being a hidden door secured by a push-catch. :)
*Instead of trying to understate the thing, hoping no one will notice it (HA!), jazz it up a bit. Use a nice cabinet door with some nice hardware.Rich Beckman
*Work the door lines into a i trompe l'oeilmural on the wall. Or some satyrs chasin some busty nymphs around and around some M.C.Escher stairs, inside a castle should distract all but the least inquisitive eye.Ask Gene for some advice on Ledger de main.Or. . .i if you paint it big enough and bright enough no one will notice.-pm
*The Escher stairs would get my vote...but my favorite of his is "Sea and Sky", maybe you could cut the panel the shape of the fish! - jb
*Brasso the pipes, case the opening, and call it an object de arte.
*Ouch. That's not punny Pat.
*So you think your plumbing repair is likely to leak again in the near future? No? Well then, patch the drywall and look like a pro. Any kind of half-assed (or whole assed for that matter) access panel will make you look like an amature. What is it going to cost to patch the drywall, now and again in 10 or 20 years? Probably a lot less than some fancy access panel.