I am a builder in south-eastern Michigan and I am in the process of bidding some insurance work for a customer. One of the problems I found when examine his house was a build up of mold or mildew on his roof trusses and underneath the roof sheathing in his attic. I believe the mold is an exessive moisture problem, the result of his bathroom exhaust fan venting straight into the attic with no outlet. I called a local company that specializes in this sort of thing, and they referred me to another expert. He told me he had to come out and determine what kind of mold it was before the first company I called could come out and take care of the problem. Great! How much? $1,500 to $3,000 just to come out and tell me what it was, and that doesn’t include what ever it will cost to remove it.
What other options do I have? Someone told me to just spray it down with bleach, but the customer is an engineer who likes to see specs and proof for everything, and I don’t think he will sleep well at night with me saying, “yea, I’ll just Clorox the mold out of your house”.
I will take all the advice you have.
John Young
I am a builder in south-eastern Michigan and I am in the process of bidding some insurance work for a customer. One of the problems I found when examine his house was a build up of mold or mildew on his roof trusses and underneath the roof sheathing in his attic. I believe the mold is an exessive moisture problem, the result of his bathroom exhaust fan venting straight into the attic with no outlet. I called a local company that specializes in this sort of thing, and they referred me to another expert. He told me he had to come out and determine what kind of mold it was before the first company I called could come out and take care of the problem. Great! How much? $1,500 to $3,000 just to come out and tell me what it was, and that doesn't include what ever it will cost to remove it.
What other options do I have? Someone told me to just spray it down with bleach, but the customer is an engineer who likes to see specs and proof for everything, and I don't think he will sleep well at night with me saying, "yea, I'll just Clorox the mold out of your house".
I will take all the advice you have.
John Young