just wondering if anyone has tried the milwaukee v28 lith ion tools yet. are they as good as there web page claims it to be? how well is it after many months of good use?
Urban Workshop Ltd
Vancouver B.C.
cheers. Ill buy.
just wondering if anyone has tried the milwaukee v28 lith ion tools yet. are they as good as there web page claims it to be? how well is it after many months of good use?
Urban Workshop Ltd
Vancouver B.C.
cheers. Ill buy.
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as Buddha said to the hotdog vendor .... "make me one with everything"
bump ity
Alright I have been waiting for somebody to weigh in on their own personnal experiance to no avail.
My plumber buddy went back to work on a union job and they have several on site. He loves them, uses the bandsaw all day on one battery .Rumor has it that the company he works for is going to replace all their corded tools with these just to keep OSHA off their back about extension cords it seems that extension cords are a big trip hazard and they want to eliminate them.
Edited 8/28/2005 9:33 am ET by ANDYSZ2
I've replied to previous posts but I'll say it again.I love it.Power is great, the drill can be a wrist breaker, the circular saw has lots of power, and an instant electric brake. Way cool.The flashlight is what you expect.........as in.......just a flashlight.But the sawzall............I can't say enough good things about it. Powerful, 2 speeds, variable trigger, toolless blade holder, what's not to like?I will say that I did have to justify (ie: talk myself into), spending the money for it, but if you have a job where you can use it, (don't we all have them), then I can easily justify it.I am working on a barn 200' from the nearest electrical outlet. That kit has paid for itself already.(see how easy that was)I would like another battery though. I find that I have to take a battery off of one tool and put it on another quite frequently. 2 batts just isn't enough. 4 is ideal with one for every tool plus one in the charger..........but..............extra batts @ $139.00 apiece!!!!!!!!I'll have to wait a bit so I can justify another kit, (band saw, maybe??) that'll have 2 more batts and another charger.And I KNOW I'll be able to justify it. Rod
Whats the cost of the kit anyway? I haven't even seen them here in OKC yet.......If you aren't one of the one's I'm talking about,you shouldn't have any complaints....
I've seen them at $729.00 to $749.00........the initial bite hurts, but once you start using it,.....the pain goes away.
Edited 8/28/2005 12:05 pm ET by notagain
Thanks for the info and the link...will check it out....
If you aren't one of the one's I'm talking about,you shouldn't have any complaints....
We've been using the kit for about 3 months now, & I second what Notagain said. We had a Milwaukee 18v kit before, & there's no comparison between the 2 when it comes to power, run time, & performance. It would be nice to have a 3rd battery, but because the run time's so good, I haven't missed it. Paid about $690 w/shipping at International Tool.
in response to my own message. i bit the bullet and bought the set. cost a g note plus the govs bit of my money. the best i can say is.
for sale dewalt 18v kit many batteries and chargers.
wow is this thing worth the money. the work i do pushes any cordless item to the limit. granted its only been three days so im wondering how it will ben a couple of years. but as stated on milwaukees site. it works at 100% then quites. it did just that. i ripped a huge wedge of a 2x10 with no loss of power. next cut balde would not rotate. it really ran flat out until it needed charging. the sawsall is so smooth. using my dw i thought some of my blades were dull. nope. i do however have 2 tiny complaints if anyone from milwaukee is reading this. 1) why make the skill saw tilt to 50 deg. if the blade isnt big enough to go through 2x material. and 2) the blade is not visable from the right side of the saw without a minor modification to the blade housing. so if anyone was curious, now you know.
Urban Workshop Ltd
Vancouver B.C.
cheers. Ill buy.