I was in the tile shop yesterday and ran across some bamboo mosaic tile from Walker Zanger. Now I’m considering this for a bathroom floor.
Apparently, it’s installed and grouted like any other tile. Just curious if anyone has here has worked with it and what their thoughts are.
I hunted around the zanger site and found only "special installation required" or something like that. Could not find that info. Seems from the brief look more like parquet. Were you able to find a bit more info at the store?
A Great Place for Information, Comraderie, and a Sucker Punch.
Remodeling Contractor just outside the Glass City.
Thanks Calvin,The lady at the store said it was installed like any other tile they carry.I hunted around the Zanger site and the few others that came up with Google, but I didn't find much other than some pretty pictures of samples.Any reason you wouldn't consider it in a small bath with a clawfoot tub? I'll have to check with Zanger and make sure it can take the load without denting.
No sir, no problem in a bath like you describe as long as the usual problem starter is detailed properly (toilet). I would hold the cut edges well away from the flange and seal them (edge and bottom). Probably would caulk that cut edge too after floor install/b/4 toilet set.
If you find any more details post 'em up here so we can take a look.A Great Place for Information, Comraderie, and a Sucker Punch.
Remodeling Contractor just outside the Glass City.