Hearing about this pourable, do-it-yourself-able, concrete based floor leveler, I set about to find it and see how much it costs and how hard it is to use.
Problem is, the companies I called in Erie, PA said they never heard of it. The manufacturer is based right here in PA, and do business world wide.
Anybody here ever hear of it?
We used several pallets of Ardex on a commercial job in the early 80's, so it's not a new product.
I'm sorry, I thought you wanted it done the right way.
Our carpet guy uses it, & swears by it. Never tried it myself. Here's a link to the stuff, though...
I bet Dambaugh Lumber in Harmony PA can get it for you.
an hour and a half south ... straight down 79.
Call Doug at 724-452-6330
tell him Buck Const sent ya!
Buck Construction
Artistry In Carpentry
Pittsburgh Pa