I want to build a barrel roof that will have an 18′ radius and span 18′. The
structure will bisect a gable roof, essentially rendering two large dormers on
the outside (front and back) and exposing the barrel on the inside for the
entire length of 36′. I’m wondering how to construct ribs on site that can span 18′
and support the roof and what kind of framing and spacing is needed in between
each rib. I am located in Oklahoma, so snow loads are not really an issue. Thanks
a bunch for any input.
Trusses might work, if you can find a manufacturer who will work with you.
I've done it a couple of times. We bult trusses with segments of 2X12 and then ripped them to the correct radius.
I don't see how you could run ribs perpendicular to the barrel - Some of them would be laying over flat.
Why is a boxing ring square?
I would run I-Joists the length of the barrel and block them every 2' with 2x's. Face with half lapped plywood.
Have an engineer size everything.