getting ready to prep for a basement slab pour.
footings are about 7′- 8′ below grade and is sitting on undisturbed hard packed sand. at backfill stage basement was filled with 6″ – 8″ same sand and well compacted. Here in mild BC climate ( frost line is 18″ below grade) I was not planning any insulation below slab, also no in floor heating. 2 questions though:
1 is wire mesh necessary or should I throw it in there to avoid possible cracking.
2 I’ve got a sunken patio at basement level. obviously frost line is deeper there then rest of basement as the garde is lower. so should I simply put some rigid insulation under slab in the section along patio wall?
1 is wire mesh necessary or should I throw it in there to avoid possible cracking.
Wire mesh does not prevent cracking in a concrete slab. Proper preparation, pouring and curing will reduce and/or control cracking of a concrete slab. The use of glass fibers in the mix will help reduce shrink cracking in a slab,but is not a substitute for proper prep, pour and cure. Take look at
Are you asking about perimeter insulation at the walkout portion of the basement?
My personal preference would be to add it. It doesn't cost that much, and will help if you are using the slab for thermal storage. VATom can give you more info on that.
Are you pouring this slab yourself, or contracting it?
Thnks for response Dave.
I'm not speaking of "fiber mesh" I am referring the the 6" x 6" steel wire mesh that is used when infloor hot water heating is used. I know that the wire grid is used to tie the water tubes to, but was wondering if they also use it to strenghen the concrete.
Yes, I am talking about the walk out portion. the slab will be used for a basement suite for my mother.
I will do all the prep work and will be contracting the pour.