Anyway I can reinforce these basement stairs without complete removal and reinstall.
36” treads and has only the 2 outer stringers, just seems kinda bouncy when walking down them, especially carrying anything more than my 225lb frame.
suggestions, Thanks!
Sister the stringers with 2x's on one or both faces. Alternatively, glue and screw 2x's to the edge of each stringer to make, in effect, half of an I beam.
any chance you can add a stringer in the middle ? the 2x's on the edge should help and is probably the easiest - looks like someone already added a vertical support member - you could always make a post to add support
good luck
Those are some overcut stringers! Shoot some screws into the wall for the one side, and post down to the floor in the middle of the stringer on the other.
I'd just build shelves underneath with vertical partitions supporting the stairs.
I love that idea!
Thanks, Andy. I'll take that as a compliment.
As it was meant.
That is a great idea, problem solved! Thanks guys, feel dumb not thinking of it myself haha!!
All the storage I build for myself these days is built using plastic storage totes as a module. Almost every time I go to Costco I buy another bin, which are quite inexpensive, and use it to haul my stuff home in.