Adding a cheap-n-easy bathroom to a little studio apt… was going to use the American Standard steel tub … then … when browsing at HD … noticed that the Kohler Cast Iron tub is the SAME PRICE and just looks so much more SUBSTANTIAL! But it’s a hassle in that it ways a ton and will be difficult to get it in .. the steel tub is ALMOST handle-able by one guy.
Anyone know anything about which may be ‘better’ overall? Is handling the incredible weight of the Kohler somehow ‘worth it’ in the long run?
Thanks in advance —
A Smith,
Joseph Fusco
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*Aaron - I have always thought cast iron was quieter when you fill the tub and holds the heat better, kind of like the difference between a cast iron fryin' pan and a steel one. Maybe these are just old predjudices, but if the price is close, I'd use cast iron. - jb
Adding a cheap-n-easy bathroom to a little studio apt... was going to use the American Standard steel tub ... then ... when browsing at HD ... noticed that the Kohler Cast Iron tub is the SAME PRICE and just looks so much more SUBSTANTIAL! But it's a hassle in that it ways a ton and will be difficult to get it in .. the steel tub is ALMOST handle-able by one guy.
Anyone know anything about which may be 'better' overall? Is handling the incredible weight of the Kohler somehow 'worth it' in the long run?
Thanks in advance --