“Beware of Prophets Making Profits’- Dennis Miller

Every time I read an article in FHB about building codes I cringe. Sept issue No. 285 article is written by a person who runs an online college for building code. Anyone who believes that the ICC runs a fair and “open process” should know about how Fire Officials stacked the vote to get sprinklers mandated in about 2006 ish. Many were paid to go with public money. They voted yes and then walked out.
About the same time ICC shut down an online forum of building inspectors etc discussing code issues etc. Public was allowed to participate but not any more.
ICC exists to sell thick books at perhaps $65 a copy to cities and profesionals. Last time I bought one it was $85.
Most discussions always include the phrase “it only adds a few hundred dollars!” Most people are said to have about $500 to deal with whatever comes up in their life.
An example is AFCI circuit breakers. I would love to see an open fair review of exactly how many lives or whatever could actually be proven to have been “saved” by these expensive things. Does anyone keep any statistics about things like that or do we just believe the product does what the manufacturers say they do w/o any questions.
Sure some good is done by the process but just like taxes a few hundred here and a few hundred there adds up to a ton of money. Regulations in Seattle area add $100,000 or more to cost of houses. Supposedly we have a huge homeless problem at this time. Solutions around here are proposed by people make huge money off the crisis. Small cities of 7×9 garden sheds are touted as a solution.
Cities can ditch the code if they want to do something. You or I cut down a tree, build a treehouse, or a shed too large and they come down on you like a ton of bricks.
No one pushes back or questions anything. Shut your mouth, go along, pay massive tax increases and thank them for it!!! Thanks ICC !