Here (30 miles north of Detroit) in Oakland County (3rd or 4th richest per capita county in US) we have Billion Dollar Mile.
It is 1,000 homes being built by several large developers (Pulte, etc) with average price of $1,000,000 along a mile or so stretch.
Have you folks heard of it? If you are looking for work there is plenty here!
Wheres Detriot ????? : )
Be well
It's not who's right, it's who's left ~ http://CLIFFORDRENOVATIONS.COM
Maybe the $150 per sq. ft framer Frenchy mentioned in another thread could head up could then have a Trillion dollar mile, if the guy pays his subs accordingly.
Jules Quaver for President 2004
Unless I don't understand, 1,000 home per mile gives each lot 10.56' of frontage. Am I taking things too seriously?
Need a new tape.<g>
but are they million dollar houses or crap homes with cheap trim, poor workmanship but have granite, high end appliances sub zeros etc... that are priced at a million?
To answer your q's:
30 miles north of Detroit, MI
Dont take the mile literally thing too literally(dont expect miracles at miracle mile!)haha, the area is actually at a crossroads of adams and silverbell, about a 4 square mile area.
The homes are 7,000- 12,000 sqft monsters, well built homes but on smallish lots.
Texas wont be a happy camper when they hear this .
Tim Mooney
That must be what is driving up the bids on Eminems house. This is unbelievable!! and rediculous
I am up in Traverse City starting to look for work, what is the average starting pay for apprentice carpenters down there? I am looking at $10-$12/hour here.
Have a buddy who bought a Pulte home. The windows had the internal mullions made from fiberglass strips. After 4 years (in the sun duh!) the strips started separating and falling to the bottom of the air gap in the glass. It was a sore topic with him, I never did find out who paid for the replacement.
Now it wasn't Pulte's fault except for specifying them in the first place.
That sure is a production line for home building. I was surprised to see them in the Thanksgiving parade on the tube. It boggles the mind how big they have become.