Some of you might remember the thread I started back in February called “A Sense of Foreboding” It was about a print that I got which was drawn by the HO and had a lot of problems/quirks. Someone suggested the title “Boogerin’ with Boss”, so what the heck. This thread is a continuation of that story.
The original thread is at:
Well, a few days ago I heard from the lumberyard. Seems the job came in way, way,over budget and they need to simplify it. And – Of course – They need the price right away. The HO is supposedly going to put the foundation in next week, and needs the price right away. (Like I haven’t heard that a thousand times before)
For starters, the HO did away with much of the 3rd floor. A lot of the 3rd floor was all but inaccessible anyway. The shop above the garage was only accessable through a 32″ wide/ 20′ long walkway from the 2nd floor of the house. (With limited heardroom)
The HO decided that using LVL as rim board was maybe a bad idea, and allowed the use of rim board instead. This should save him a fair amont of dough. He also did away with a lot of the LVLs used as floor joists.
The HO also decided to allow trusses at 2′ O.C. instead of 16″. Didn’t change the insanely high loading requirement, though.
He also did away with a 2′ diameter concrete column in the middle of the garage, which supported the shop floor above. That sure would have been nice to bang your car doors into, huh ???
The HO didn’t bother re-drawing the print, though. Guess that would have taken too much of his time. Better to waste the time of others like me.
I got the bid done and sent off. If I were a gambling man, I’d put money down that the price will STILL be too high, and it will go through one more round of re-bidding before it gets built. I’ll post the continuing story, as long as there’s any interest in it.
They said it couldn’t be done and I proved it.
curious, what are these trusses made from? 2x4s?
bobl Volo Non Voleo Joe's BT Forum cheat sheet
If the HO has his way it would be out of 3500 psi concrete
Pre stressed of course. LOLIf at first you don't succeed...try again! After that quit! No sense being a dam fool about it! W.C.Fields
"what are these trusses made from? 2x4s?"
The HO called out 2X6 minimum, which is ridiculous for 30' residential trusses. Some of the chords are larger, due to the extremely heavy loading that was called for on the prints. (About double the typical for the area)Well behaved women rarely make history.
I'm just curious, why LVL's for floor joists?
Has there ever been any explination for his insantity? Is he an engineer, or just a hypocondriac?
Also curios, what does he still have 3/4 ply spec'd for the roof, and what is the sheating supposed to be, 2 layers of 3/4 A/C? :)
Don't ya just love mondays...
"why LVL's for floor joists?"
Don't know. Guess it was just his idea of making the floor solid.
"Has there ever been any explination for his insantity? Is he an engineer, or just a hypocondriac?"
I heard second hand that he's an engineer, but don't know that for a fact. There are no names/addresses on the prints.
"Also curios, what does he still have 3/4 ply spec'd for the roof"
Yup - And the sidewalls. Both inside and out in the garages.
If men had periods, they'd brag about the size of their tampons.
Sounds like a possible "Loony Tune". I'd make sure it's clear in your contract that you are doing the work strictly as per the plans and specifications and refer to them precisely in the contract. Then have the owner initial the corner of every page of each, to protect yourself from later owner self interpretation. If possible get a deposit up front or on the draws try to get ahead as far as you can.
This sounds like one of those owners that shows up the first day of framing and says, "why are you using nails, I thought everything was being lagged together".
We'll light a candle for ya.
Contract ? We don't need no stinkin' contract.........(-:
Seriously - The vast majority of our business is conducted over the phone, with no paperwork changing hands. I can't recall ever having a contract when doing a truss order.
And unfortunately, I have no say in which jobs we get, how high we bid them, etc. If money could talk, it would say goodbye.
Sorry I mis-interpreted, I thought you were also doing the job.