I have “a lot” of holes to bore in the ends of 4 x 4 (mostly pine). I have tried a spade bit, a bit from Milwaukee – 1 1/2″ selfeeding , and a 1 1/2″ Forstner bit. I am doing this on a drill press. The spade bit burned up, selfeeding worked for a little while, and the same with the Forstner bit. Running the press at a low rpm – 500 – 400 rpm. Hole is 3/4″ deep. It is taking forever! Any suggestions will be greatly apprciated.
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Need a better bit
Carbide is your friend.
Something like this might work
I have no direct experience.
Slower is probably better. (to keep the heat in check)
I agree with unclemike that a better bit is needed but you also might see if any friends know of a Shopsmith or Totalshop is available to you. You can set up horizonal boring on either and both have variable speed control. I'm in Socal and I have a Totalshop you could use.
Thank you
plan b could be to make a jig and use a plunge router - drill a guide hole and make a box to go over the 4x, use the router with a guide to make the hole - just a quick thought
other thought is to use a similar guide box with an auger bit - just not sure it you could find one at 1 1/2 diameter - also not sure how you'd "hold" the 4x stock
good luck
thinking about this last night , you could also use a hole saw to make the hole - if the plug doesn't break loose with the saw, either pop it out with a pry bar or then use the drill bit to bore it out
good luck
Great Thinking