Buying spray uretane insulation

Is there any type of spray urethane (other than the little cans of ‘great stuff’) that i can buy?
i posted a message about bat proofing my house, and think that the spray urethane would be the way to go, but i also feel that after i quoted having the whole attic done ($8500), that if i could test the method by spraying the areas that seem to be the entrances, i could save a lot of $$$$ if it does not work, or know it is the right product and that would help reduce the effect of an $8500 purchace.
i feel that there must be something around besides the big spray rigs the pros use, but have not been able to find for sale on line.
here you go buddy
Excellence is its own reward!
Piffen you always have good websites to go to would you be interested in doing a thread with everybody listing their 5 favorite sites.
Well, you could start it and ffind out.
First three would be here, JLC, and Splash which is an architectural forum for paid members only.
That source for the foam is one I have never been to before. I think their website sucks but I buy lots of stuff from the catalouge which happened to be in arms reach when I came across this thread so it wouldn't be a favorite.
Google is a favorite too
here's one you'll like. Once you find what you want, you need to call in the order. He likes to be sure you are getting what you need and want. He does some consulting too.
Excellence is its own reward!
Piffein here is one I found when trying to fight a traffic violation they ttie into legal libraries schools govnment. LexisNexis Hey how do you highlight so that it links.
What I do normally is to go to my bookmarks and right click on it, then choose copy, then paste it into this dialoge box. In this case, I openned a new browser window and entered the url by typing one letter at a time,
After the browser openned that site, I knew I had it right so I right clicked on the URL, copied it and am now pasting it here
so lets see how they both turn out?.
Excellence is its own reward!
Might be better if you get the pre formed foam sheets and cut to fit between the joists with about 1" to 1/2" clearance then foam fit the gaps.
You can order re-fillable two-part polyurethane foam from You could apply it as you budget allows and send the tanks back at your liesure. Good stuff, I've used it.
How do you buy from them, do sell to anyone?
what is the cost for the kits, they have some that do about 1900 bd ft. which did you buy?
what about the applicator, which did you use?
best to talk directly to the company rep. That way they can recomend the best product for your application.
It's not the best web site but looks like good stuff..
Excellence is its own reward!
They will sell to anyone. Just click on the link below to go to their two part systems. The kits come with everything you will need. It will have a two tube hose, something like welding hose, with a spray trigger and about a dozen mixing nozzles. The two parts do not mix until they enter the nozzle so if you have to stop the foam will harden in the nozzle only. You just throw out the plugged nozzle and insert a new one and start again. The hoses fit any of their systems so you only have to buy them once. The stuff goes on like water and then foams up over about 5 minutes. When I first started my job I over-sprayed thinking that it would foam-up faster. The best technique I found was to spray and area once and move on. Later I came back and resprayed any areas that I missed. One real advantage is that it will spray out to a distance of 6 to 8 feet so you can easily reach remote places. Another thing to consider is how much access you have to the place you need to spray. The size of the tanks to spray 1800 sf will be pretty big and heavy. It might be better to go with smaller tanks and refill them if you need more. Or order a very long hose set so that the tanks can sit in one place while you only drag the hose around. Let me know how it goes.
did you price the disposable kits verses the refillable?
both look similar, but the refillable requires the nitro tank (not a big deal though)
what did you pay, and is there a distributor near you or did they ship them?
I bought them directly from the factory although later I found out that they did have a distributor in New Orleans that would have sold it to me cheaper. I did buy a disposable setup but I was only spraying about 350 sf so one set of propane-grill sized tanks did all of it. Call them to see if they have a distriburor near you.
i did, but the 605sf kt cost $810.
this was the disposable kit, not returnable according to the website.
what did you pay for the 350 bd/ft kit?
did it include the hoses/spray head?
I don't recall, it was about 3 years ago so that price wouldn't be realistic anyway. The kit I ordered came with everything I needed to get the job done. The kits aren't cheap but the advantages of foam over any other type of insulation make it worth the exyra cost. I regret that I did not know about FOMO when I resided my house about 6 years ago. I put in fiberglass when I opened up the walls but foam would have been much better. Foam would have bonded to the back of the plaster and stabilized it and made it more rigid. It also would have put the vapor barrior immediately to the back of the interior wall. Everybody's situation is different but I highly recommend faom.
Just eliminated the bats from my belfrey. Flashing lights drive them out. Mothballs make it undesireable as well but do little to drive them out.
I wish Greatstuff made a can you could spray upright, as an option.