We are preparing to side our house with peeled, then left naturally wavy 1″ white pine siding. We are installing the siding in northern WI where the temperatures vary greatly throughout the year. The siding has been treated all four surfaces with Sikkens Cetol 1, then a coat of Cetol 2-3 to the face and edges. The siding will butt to 4×4’s and 2×8 wavy sills that trim the doors and windows.
I want to ask the group for their help in finding the best caulk to use at the joints. I need a product that adheres to the two surfaces and expands and contracts without pulling apart over a long period of time. Many of the caulking applications I see are cracking after a year or two of weathering. I would hate to see the installation fail due to an inferior caulk after spending all the time logging, sawing, drying, peeling, 70 gallons of Sikkens, then the installation time.
Any help will be greatly appreciated, George
I use Geocel caulks.
And I try, wherever possible, to caulk just before placing the siding so it is behind where it seals and won't peal out. Plus it is entirely invisible that way.
I have a home constructed of white pine logs. The log home company sent Sashco's "Log Builder" caulk. It has held up great for the past 6 years. Check them out at
http://www.sashco.com look for log builder products.
I was impressed with what I saw of Sashco too. They don't sell it here tho' and I rememnber it being pretty expensiveExcellence is its own reward!
George, I live in northern WI. and operate Pinnacle Custom Log Homes Inc. I am a builder who uses tons of caulk, coincidentally on white pine half log siding. This year alone i've burned through 100 cases, all sashco log builder. It is the best and the company backs up the product if you do have a problem. I have used only sashco for the past 8 or so years and had product failure once, due to old caulk, and the company supplied new caulk as well as picked up the labor tab. A very quality product and a good co. By the way, I also sell sashco caulk through my log home company if you do need some.
66, thanks for the information about the caulk and the reputation of the company. You should however hold back the urge to sell any on this msg board.__________________________________________
Remodeling Contractor just outside the Glass City.
WoW, you caught me there Calvin, You foiled my plan for early retirment on that prospective caulk deal. We are both from the same area and the offer was a neighborly gesture as the caulk in question is'nt too readily availible and if you do find it in a small store, you pay alot. I buy it by the crap-load and get it cheap as well as sell it cheap, Oh, there I go sellin again.
Why are some users of this board so against selling something? I don't see anything wrong with 66 offering to sell a product indirectly that he thinks is superior to commonly available caulking. People pushing Viagra and free vacations is another matter.
Another thing that irritates me is when someone asks a question and someone else blasts them for not searching the archives. Well, that search function is pretty much useless on this board. Instead of insulting the one who posted the question, either answer them or do not reply.
This is a magazine run board. One user on here has no right to tell another how to use it. Report them to the sysop if they are abusing the forum.
Mark, forgive me if I'm wrong on this. There have been posters who have not followed the good neighborly gesture that evidently 66 has offered. They posted continuously and denied vigorously of any marketing under the guise being helpful. I thanked 66 for his information and suggested he think about possible sales attempts. He's responded and I take his word for it. The other goofballs were given the boot as I think they should have.
As to my recently telling a poster to take his very general questions to the search function, I think I even warned him of the possibility of coming up dry. But when I searched for Hardie and came up with a cpl hundred posts on it I had to laugh. It worked (used to work good b/4 p-day). So what did I do but embarrass myself by copying and pasting the first bunch of msgs the search produced.
Does this splain it or might I still be a dip-s**t?
Remodeling Contractor just outside the Glass City.
Calvin, there are indeed some posters who should be banned for spamming. The other two complaints were not addressed at you, its just something that irritates me. That search will not find anything sometimes, and other times it works fairly OK. It never seems to find anything recent though. Always a couple weeks behind.
Some other users seem to think this is their club and seem to try to run off the newbies, and I think this place needs some new blood. I will blast somebody who gives faulty advice though, and I've seen a good bit. I wish AJ would come back sometime.
what, now you call me an old guy and a bad advice giver too? You rotten SOB, I outta........
sorry, mistook your intentions. New blood is good, so were those old guys that don't come back often enough. I've met some fine folks here. Hope it continues.
Have a good day tomorrow.
aj's got a young girlfriend. Probably much more fun than us. I can understand his absence.__________________________________________
Remodeling Contractor just outside the Glass City.
I loved it when AJ got on a roll over someones bad electrical advice.
Gee whiz!
I regularly refer folks to the search function. I kind of figured that sometimes newbies hadn't found it yet.
You may have noticed that I write and hang out here quite a bit. Sometimes, I'll remember that we have just finished a long, invigorating, and enlightening discussion on some subject and I don't want to waste time writing all over again or try to summarize another persons opinion or even give their side short shrift by repeating it in my own words, so the advice to use the search is a good and helpfull suggestion, in my mind.
I'm sure Taunton or Prospero don't mind either since they provide the search feature and repeatring the whole thread again surely uses up server space.
Excellence is its own reward!
I think you misunderstood my rant. Politely refering someone to use the search function is proper. However, I have seen insulting posts telling someone to use the search function in a very curt way. I myself have almost abandoned the search because it is so frustrating, it simply does not work right.
Sorry, I hadn't seen any rude referals like that.
Sometimes it works and sometimes it wastes my time.Excellence is its own reward!
Vulkem 116 is a superior caulk made by the Tremco Sealant and Weatherproofing Division, not cheap but worth it's weight in GOLD.
Once in a while you get shown the light in the strangest of places if you look at it right
I would like to thank everyone for his input. Nice to hear from others up in our area, thanks for the neighborly offer to help 66!
I too use Geocel, 800% elasticity with memory and a 50 year servicable life.
Another Sashco vote. We used it on our old home ( a log cabin) and will use it on our current home we are building. They are nice folks too. I was just there at the factory last week. We were trying out some things on my logs.
They told me they are coming out with a new product that is sort of halfway between log builder and chinking. Basically caulk but with a little bit of a chinking texture.
Oh, and you can order it through http://www.theloghomestore.com They are nice folks there and I have ordered a few things from them.
Edited 8/9/2002 2:36:08 PM ET by Paula