With Joe’s recent “allowance” to post classified ads, I thought I would take advantage of the moment.
I am offering my 3 yr old namesake for hire as a painter. He is also quite handy with crayons, markers, pencils and pens for that added effect to any job. Hourly rate for his services will begin at 1.50 per hour and must also include lodging, food and babysitting expenses.
In the event that all your painting and crayoning is complete, he is also a well established demolition expert.
…and Blue…. this kid takes “boogerin” to a whole new artform.
interested parties may call 1 (800)
Pete, two questions:
One, is the Hat concealing the horns?
Two, is that $1.50 US or can we pay in Canadian?
I've noticed the Draganic "Don't start with me..." look has developed at a young age!
Is that why you're letting him go cheap? Or are you seeking "employment" for him while you're off to Italia?
*George,Figured it's about time he started earnin' his keep. If the boy were bad, it would be an improvement. He makes the Anti-Christ seem like a nice guy...but keep this between you and me, I wouldn't want to affect his saleability. I think he takes after his grandfather. By the way...he is "Peter Anthony Draganic IV"
*He dresses awfully nice for a painter
*Pete,How bright is this kid? I notice his hat's on backwards....then again how bright do you have to be to be a painter? As my father in law says..if you can pee, you can paint.
*Then I guess he is in business...cuz he sure can pee. As for how smart he is, he takes after me so he is obviously a complete genius, his hat is only on backwards so that the camera didn't miss one square inch of his good looks that he also got from me. I hope that he inherited my modesty too.Pete
*Pete, I think you're joking with us: That handsome young fellow can't be a painter ... he's too young to drink!You certainly are blessed with beautiful children. Could their mother possibly have contributed something to their looks?Regards, Steve
*Way to go Pete,If their old enough to crawl, their old enough to dust.Kinda good looking kid, did you adopt him or does your wife have real good looks in her genetics?Gabe
*Yeah, Pete. So far, we've seen you, your girl, and now the future super; but where's the missus? By a show of hands, how many of you want to see the good woman?BTW: Pete, you keep showing your kids we'll have to send you over to Romperroom.com ~:^}Sorry, almost forgot to add: cute kid. Kinda' looks like Al in Taxi Driver, especially around the eyes. ...You talkin' to me...
*Give me the show of hands and I'll post the wife. I just hope I can squeeze her into the scanner. and as a bonus I might even post my oldest son who hasn't made it onto the breaktime board yet.Yep, you guessed it, I'm one of those guys who whips out the wallet full o' pics at every chance to show to anyone....the people behind me in line at the market or the cop who pulls me over for speeding..it really makes no difference to me.See ya later, I gotta head over to http://www.romperroom.comPete
*Pete, My question is this - Does he require Workers Comp? and does he have any handsaws? Ed.
*Dallas,If you knew this kid of mine better, you'd realize that it's the guys working around him that would need the worker's comp coverage. that comment should also indicate whether I would let him maintain posession of a handsaw.Pete
*Pete, a whole new meaning to the term: "Anklebiter!"
*Pete, just kidding. Looks like a great kid. Ed.
*Pete, I know this is off the subject, but I just responded to a question in "knots". Why do I feel so dirty?I hope you guys won't hold it against me.Ed.
*Don't worry dallas, you're not feeiling dirty, just a little "knotty"Forgive me for that one.Pete
*Yeah, cripes, are you neanderthals going to try to fire up that old Knot's vrs. Whine Homehacking again. I followed the trail of mud over here GACC, I was just curious who was responding to a 2 week old post promising to never appear again.Batten the hatches! Incoming!Lee
*That kid looks just like my mailman...
*Lee, I guess I've been found out. Truth be known, I am not a woodworker although I work with wood. I am a house carpenter. There is a big difference there, and I will admit it. I have no problem with putting an edge on a slot-head screw driver with a piece of concrete to use as a chisel. I can say with pride "f**k it, nail it". My planes all need sharpening and my level is missing a vial. I share a shop here in Dallas with Chris Bame of Chris Bame Antique Restorations. Now there, sir, is a woodworker. That is why I won't post in "knots" again. I really don't belong there. No offense to anyone, just proud of what I am.
*Be nice Dan, especially to your mailman if he looks like that! What did Pete say about the Antichrist?