we have old steel windows.On one side of the house we have a lot of condensation yet in other parts of the house the same type of windows have no condensation problems at all. How can this be explained and how can we correct this?
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we have old steel windows.On one side of the house we have a lot of condensation yet in other parts of the house the same type of windows have no condensation problems at all. How can this be explained and how can we correct this?
first problem steel windows. see topics on vinyl windows or wood. you will almost always have condensation on metal windows. Why some and not others. How close to bathrooms, kitchens and exterior doors are the guilty windows. How many plants are in the rooms (they produce moisture), the dry ones are they near a wood stove, a heat return (pulling air away), facing the sun, in an unheated room. You might hav4e a fialure in insulatin or vapor barriers. IT can go on and on. Metal windows were a nice idea for inexpensive replacement or low budget new years ago but now you are seeing one of the draw backs. One solution may be to completely wrap the frame in wood to isolate it.