Tom –
>I have dealt with this issue most of my life – I’ve been wearing glasses and contacs since I was a pre-teen. It doesn’t matter if you’re wearing glasses or contacs, tho, if you are concerned with keeping particles out of your eyes – neither will work. I currently wear glasses with an impact rating to withstand a hit similar to a .22 rifle – real nice, especially if you get on the wrong end of a misfired 16d…
>There are some viable alternatives, however. Some are listed above, such as the PAPR (powered respirators – these have a full face mask – lens). When we are doing a lot of tablesaw or mitre saw work, we use a face shield. these are nice, because they don’t conflict with either glasses or contacs.
>As to your question of goggles: I would recommend searching through Safety supply catalogs – online. Try http://www.labsafety.com/OnlineDirect/dir.icl?passid=2&secid=2&orderidentifier=ID9452000931405859587614F6&srcdoc=dir.icl?passid=2&secid=2&xsecid=2&ORIGSRCDOC=dir.icl?passid=2&secid=2&GOTOFLAG=2 .
They should have a source for what you are looking for – fog free, breathable, vented, scratch resistant goggles. Yes – they do exist. I have used Encon in the past. Run through the yellow pages in your local area – there should be a safety supply store near you where you could try some on and look at the quality prior to purchasing them (this would be a specialty store related primarily to industrial safety – not your local lumberyard or Home Depot/Lowes).
> Best of luck to you. BTW – the safety glasses are great on the salmon stream, when some greenhorn yanks the lips out of the fish and hurls an ounce of weight and hook at your face…
As a lens wearer & DIY'er, I (like most contact wearers) have eye sensitivity to dust (drywall, sanding dust, what ever). To say it feels like sand being ground into your eye, is not too far off. Eyeglasses are not a practical option, I have such extreme nearsightedness that only contacts provide satisfactory correction.
I have yet to find the "perfect" goggles, which would:
- be impact rated for flying debris
- positively keep out fine dust
- not fog over
- not slip & slide on sweat beads
- be scratch resistant
has anyone in my predicment ever found a good make & model of goggle
*My eyesight correction isn't that bad - yet - but I can not tolerate the thought of putting something in my eye on purpose even if it is a lens. I don't know how my wife can do it.I've heard the goggles developed by the military for desert use (like those seen on the news during Desert Storm) are extremely good for the qualities you want.Have you seen/considered a fresh air ventilation mask? A small battery powered fan in a belt pack feeds filtered air through a hose up to a mask similar to a welding face shield.
*How bout some NBA goggles,at least you wont look like you're from outer space. Course it would help if you were 7ft. 2.
*I suppose this won't be of any help to you Tom - but I"ve worn contacts for ten or fifteen years and have found that I cannot wear my glasses to work any more as they seem to funnel "stuff" to my eyes. I have never found goggles of any make or manufacture that allow me to freely go about my work. The occassional piece of whatever that gets in my eye just doesn't bother me - and - I think the contact actually keeps the object from becoming a real irritant. Incidently - the occassional piece that requires removal for comfort purposes - I have found is easiest done with the torn end of a paper match. The tiny fibers act similarly to a magnet - actually grabbing the debis piece. Sorry I can't be of more assistance.
*Their is a dust sheild made that looks like a motorcycle shield that comes with an attached fan and filter that blows fresh air into the mask....You will have fresh air to breath and clean air for your eyes and no problem with moisture...I never bought one but am using more safety devices these days than in the past and just might have to pick one up some day...It looks quite comfortable....Check the tool mailorder sites or call...near the stream,aj
*I don't wear contacts so I will probably be of no help but:How about trying the goggles used in chem labs? These look just like the ones used for construction except they don't have any of those air holes. Instead, they have little plastic vents that have a cover over them and a piece of filter paper to keep splashed liquids from getting in. I remember them fogging alittle but I bet some fogX would solve that. I use fogX on my motorcycle face shield and have never had if fog since.
*Tom - >I have dealt with this issue most of my life - I've been wearing glasses and contacs since I was a pre-teen. It doesn't matter if you're wearing glasses or contacs, tho, if you are concerned with keeping particles out of your eyes - neither will work. I currently wear glasses with an impact rating to withstand a hit similar to a .22 rifle - real nice, especially if you get on the wrong end of a misfired 16d... >There are some viable alternatives, however. Some are listed above, such as the PAPR (powered respirators - these have a full face mask - lens). When we are doing a lot of tablesaw or mitre saw work, we use a face shield. these are nice, because they don't conflict with either glasses or contacs. >As to your question of goggles: I would recommend searching through Safety supply catalogs - online. Try http://www.labsafety.com/OnlineDirect/dir.icl?passid=2&secid=2&orderidentifier=ID9452000931405859587614F6&srcdoc=dir.icl?passid=2&secid=2&xsecid=2&ORIGSRCDOC=dir.icl?passid=2&secid=2&GOTOFLAG=2 .They should have a source for what you are looking for - fog free, breathable, vented, scratch resistant goggles. Yes - they do exist. I have used Encon in the past. Run through the yellow pages in your local area - there should be a safety supply store near you where you could try some on and look at the quality prior to purchasing them (this would be a specialty store related primarily to industrial safety - not your local lumberyard or Home Depot/Lowes). > Best of luck to you. BTW - the safety glasses are great on the salmon stream, when some greenhorn yanks the lips out of the fish and hurls an ounce of weight and hook at your face...
*sawdust - Thx for that link to Lab Safety! All sorts of good stuff there, I think I'll have a good chance of finding an appropriate goggle, although it may take some trial & error.tom