Building a new deck and the house has open web floor trusses. What methods are their to attach the ledgerboard to the trusses, some building codes want let you support a deck on open web floor trusses, not sure about my area. Their is a 2×6 frame wall under the 14″ floor trusses. Maybe do solid blocking above the top plates attach ledgerboard & deck to that. Also will be using 3/4 PT plywood for flooring and sealing the top. Anyone tried this before? What problems if any sitting PT lumber directly on concrete. Whats the deal with using aluminum flashing with PT lumber? Thanks, Roger
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Seems to me the first thing to do is find out what IS actually allowed in your area. No way any of can tell you that.
If the trusses have end verticals, (And if that's where the deck/ledger goes)you can bolt through them. If your ledger goes on parallel to the trusses you might need some blocking as you mentioned.
But talk to your local building department first.
The beginning of wisdom is silence.
rman,,its a bad thing to use plywood of any kind on a deck expsoed to the weather,,no way, no matter what you seal it with,is it going to give you what you want,,,cca lumber is fine on the concret,,,we use tap cons as the faseners,,John Hyatt