Any opinions on the Dodge Ram 2500? Looking at gas engine, quad cab,
8′ bed, SLT, 4WD.
Any feedback on prices paid?
This dealership is rated “5 Star” by Dodge. They make it sound like a big deal. Is it?
Any opinions on the Dodge Ram 2500? Looking at gas engine, quad cab,
8′ bed, SLT, 4WD.
Any feedback on prices paid?
This dealership is rated “5 Star” by Dodge. They make it sound like a big deal. Is it?
Framing the floor inside a crawlspace foundation keeps a gable-end addition close to grade.
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Mine's a diesel, and after 4 years, it's been a reliable the past, I was always a Ford guy 'cause the Fords would outlast the others when running logging roads in the Cascades.
But, anymore, Chevy/Ford/Dodge are all pretty decent machines.
This is always a subject for the partisons, but I'd probably make price the deal-maker.
Take a look at a chevy while your out there. Just got a 2003 2500HD, 8.1 eng, Allison trans. Great truck and pulls trailer with no problem, don't really know it's back there.We become by effort primarily what we end up becoming
- Zig Ziglar
Well according to the commercials dodge seems to turn the drivers into very aggressive people, loud mouths who seem to takes a lot of stupid chances . the last commercial seem to make spouses put each other down.
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Is my first choice, then Dodge...
Any feedback on prices paid?
Supply and Demand affects $$ for trucks
This dealership is rated "5 Star" by Dodge. They make it sound like a big deal. Is it?
Based mostly on CSI...Customer Satisfaction Index. Don't believe everything you read....unless you read it at BT<G>
A bad day at home is still better than a good day at work
Edited 2/10/2004 12:41:47 AM ET by bob
Edited 2/10/2004 12:48:10 AM ET by bob
No desert either....
Who ever invented work didn't know how to fish....
darn...ya caught me. can't we work this dessert is like no..uh know A bad day at home is still better than a good day at work
You can have your desert but you have to eat it at work....
Feel better........
Who ever invented work didn't know how to fish....
I have a 2000, 2500 4wd reg cab,I've had no problems,15mpg, plenty of power, can't put enough stuff in it to slow it down.
The 5 star rating means a lot to the dealer,they get deals from Dodge,preference on availability of cars and trucks.
Vince Carbone
and we certainly know enough about your driving to know the truck of choice has nothing to do with it!
damn tap-dancing kids .....
JeffBuck Construction Pittsburgh,PA
Artistry in Carpentry
One time,
and it was only Pete's lawn.
And it's still a good truck.Vince Carbone
"Vince" tested ...
and "Carbone" proven!
JeffBuck Construction Pittsburgh,PA
Artistry in Carpentry
I have 2001 deisel 2500 with 410 rearend and 6 speed and it is geared to low for long hauls on hiway.I would highly recommend getting the 4wheel dr as I was stuck in the front yard for 3 hours sunday.
But I do love my truck.
You may be a red-neck if your stuck in your front yard for 3.......LOL!
The bad thing about the whole deal is I just bought a set of buckshots mudders and it was 17 degrees and I figured the ground was frozen and I would get that load of wood for one of my G.C. buddies who just moved into his new house. Then I had to call another G.C. buddy of mine to pull me out with his HUMMER and a winch.
I work for a company that owns 13 Ram 3500 4x4 diesel trucks and 1 2500 4x4 diesel. I have the 2500. I love the ride the room and the cummins. Its a fantastic truck. Lately we have been having alot of trouble with the front ends mainly the 2002-present. We've done four complete rebuilds this year alone. All less than 110,000 miles. We use our trucks but not real rough. The 2500 just hit 109,000 and I've had two front ends in it. Anything will break or go bad, Its all in the way you plan on using the truck. Overall though its a good truck and its comfortable at a good price.
Webster's dictonary.
Dodge: To avoid
ive got an 02 1500 and had no problems for 40k miles. Ive always had fords before but went to dodge for the extra room in the reg. cab and at that time they had the 100,000 mile warranty. Front windshield leaked for a while and they were going to fix the gasket but i never took it in and it stopped leaking. Ive got the smaller v8 and get about 14 mpg loaded around town.
Some of these comments worry me. Front ends routinely needing rebuilding? Leaky windsheilds that magically stop? (Probably the rust slowed the leak!LOL).
Dodge has been known for 'dodgy' (pun intended) quality for years. Whether thay have shaken that is anyones guess. The Cummins of course, has it's admirers, but doesn't matter to you. Car and Driver did a review of a Dodge, and it wasn't pretty. Poor power and low fuel economy, as well as a 'cheap' interior quality were the issues.
If you are set on the Dodge, the Hemi engine is by far the only way to go, if it's available in your package combination.
I might look at the new Fords, and I know I'll get killed for saying this, but the new Nissan is a great piece. Built in America, and they have hit all the points. Sophisticated engine, good size, great power and good economy. Cool tool storage in the back too.
The new Fords have a great interior.
No matter what, when you're making a decision that you'll be driving for years, you owe it to yourself to go out and drive all the candidates. And follow the rule of 90%, which says get the features you need for 90% of your use, and those that will protect your resale value.
I've never been impressed with the dealers bragging about their stars. When I'm 600 miles away and the truck won't stop honking (Don't ask how I know this) the dealer is useless. Get the best truck.
Jake Gulick
[email protected]
CarriageHouse Design
Black Rock, CT
Iv'e got a 97 with 108,000 and 1 trans replacement later. Good trucks but why can't Dodge get their transmisions to last.
Men do not quit playing because they grow old; they grow old because they quit playing! Holmes Sr. Oliver Wendell
I take a 94 2500 4 X 4 with a 360 fishing and elk hunting all of the time. It rides like a truck, but if I wanted a girly fide I would get a Chevy. We load it gear and the headlights don't aim for the stars. I have heard storied about the Tranny not lasting, mostly from game wardens, but this one is going strong at 160,000 miles. Next time I think I would go for the diesel, everyone I know that have them swear by them and the trade in value is better than fords. I tend to spend a lit of time on the ice, fishing and I towed a couple of trucks last weekend that did not have limited slip, I would not ever buy a truck without it.
My friends highway construction company offered their foreman their choices of trucks and they all bought Fords or Dodges. About 10-15 years ago the bought 1/2 ford and 1/2 Chevy. The fords lasted, the Chevy were gone after a couple of years.
Reynolds Aluminum (recycle div) bought 50 each Chevy, Ford and Dodge trucks. There are only Dodges left. Chevy bellied up within the 1st year and GM was made to take back the left overs. Fords started to drop out by the second year.
Who ever invented work didn't know how to fish....