Does Borate treated foam make it as insect resistant as rockwool?

I’m researching how to prevent frost heave damage in a unheated garage in Iowa and found allot of testimonials about ant infestations in the foam board recommended under and around unheated garage slab and FPSF’s.
Does Borate treated foam make it as insect resistant as rockwool? And did most of the testimonials about ant infestation in foam board come from untreated foam board?
No one?
We have no way of knowing what testimonials you are looking at.
Best practice related to any insects is to keep moisture and food away from insulation.
rock wool will do best if you keep water out of it.
Thanks Mike.
Many testimonials if you search "insects in foam". No testimonials if you search "insects in mineral wool"
Ive read some pest control services even cancel warranties if the home has spray foam.