I wonder how common these are.
About 3 years ago one of my clients had some missing hings and did not want to wait for mail order from WWHardware, the only place that I know that sells them. But a local wholesale trade house had them for $25 min. Since it was T&M I paid that amount.
About a year later I see a store open in a local strip center, Knobs and Pulls. Note, this strip has no other kinds of building or home remodeling types of stores. I am not sure what there market is, but they ahve some builder hardware (locks and hinges) but most of it is cabinet pulls and knobs.
And they had a large selection of demountable hinges.
I figured volumne would be so low that they would get rid of them or at least not reorder them when they where out.
Fast forward to yesterday and had a call from a client with a broken cabinet. Turns out that it was broken demountable hinges. So I went to the store and not only did they still have them they said that they where a high volumne item.
And that at least one local cabinet company is still using them. And they are now available in a Oil Rubbed Bronze finish.
I do see a lot of them in 10-30 YO houses including my own. But never seen them in what I know is a nation cabinet company.
A-holes. Hey every group has to have one. And I have been elected to be the one. I should make that my tagline.
You got a pic/link of what your calling a demountable hinge? Not quite sure what you mean.
http://www.rockler.com/product.cfm?Offerings_ID=11380Boy are these expensive.WWhardware.com is down right now, but my 2004 catalog shows then as $2.11 for polished brass, Amerock.The ones that bought where had Korea stamped on them and the where a little thinner than the orginals. $1.39.
A-holes. Hey every group has to have one. And I have been elected to be the one. I should make that my tagline.
Funny about those hinges, I hadnt seen them until about 2 months ago when we had to cut down a couple cabinets for a house that we're working on, they had those hinges!
The cabinets were built by a local cabinet shop, fair sized shop. Well I got home from work the day that we did that job and was looking at the cabinets in this rental that I'm currently living in and guess what they have for hinges? Same damn thing!
In all my years I'd never come across them and in one day I see two sets of cabinets that have them.
I dont like them, what a pain in the azz to deal with. Euro hinges are so much better.
The two sets of cabinets were built in the 70's sometime, probably predating the availability of euro hinges.
I didnt realize that those hinges were that cheap to purchase, I always figured the cheapest hinges that one could buy were the Youngsdale knife hinges, damn cheap but you cant hardly wear one out!
My guess is the only reason that there is any demand for the hinges would be the price and to replace ones that broke.
Hi Bill ,
Yup , the double and the single demountable hinges were commonly used by custom shops as well as factory shops .
They were just ahead of the Euro hinges . The nice thing about them was the ability to move the doors in and out until they fit nice. There were no screws showing from the face .
I instead used the then , Amerock 1/2 wrap hinges available in full overlay , 3/8" lip and also for bevel edged doors . They screw into the side of the face frame .
The only time I use them now is when restoring an older set of cabinets. But as has been said some shops must still be using them today .