I’m restoring a large number of double hung windows on an older building (1925) and need to replace the metal strips on the sides of the lower piece, I’ve not been able to find ant reproduction strips, but I keep seeing pictures of new ones in various magazines. Anybody know where they might be available or where to look?
Are you refering to spring bronz?
These are galvanized tin, 2 or so inches wide with a rolled flange a little off center.Arlan
Blaine Window in the metro D.C. area.....
http://www.blainewindow.com/index.cfmRemodeling Contractor just outside the Glass City.
Quittin' Time
I have a catalog at work form a co that has all that stuff. Blaine will be of no help.....will try to remember to get it to you tomorrow
accurate metal weatherstrip com. inc.
725 S Fulton St.
Mt. Vernon, New York 10550
1-914-668-6062 (fax)
1-914-668-6042I have never bought from them, they do have what I think you need
Good luck
http://www.strybuc.com/View Image