I saw a bunch of them landing on the logs from the trees I cut down this summer. So, I ran around squashing them — I figure every little bit helps. But is there anything else I should do to get the ones I didn’t see before they dig in very far?
— J.S.
I've been known to encourage the growth of my spider population.
Outside AND inside the house.
I can't tell ya how many I find in their webs.
However, I think here in the south it's a losing battle
Does anyone know if diatomaceous earth works on termites? Works on ants and roaches and such. It's harmless to humans and pets. Boric acid is supposed to work on many bugs, but don't know if you really want to be dusting the countryside with it! Both of these things are pretty benign though when compared to many insecticides though. You might try asking your question at the Over the Fence Forum where gardeners and such talk.
Drywood have wings, they fly and look for a place to set up shop.
Not sure if dusting the countryside with BA would help.
Our termite dude said that the best approach is hit them right when they are nesting on your house/barn/corn crib/etc. They don't really like any chemicals and they'll bolt quick. Downside is finding where they are nesting. Takes one year for them to start really showing the droppings, then its too late for the regular Joe to boot them
Our house has been tented twice in 10 years and we may be do again. We're going to finish up the addition first and then recheck once all the 'dust" has settled
Edited 9/28/2005 4:38 pm ET by Sailfish