well I’m thinking that my dad and I are going to get a dust buster for my mom. but not one of those wimpy ones. I was thinking of those carpentry ones that run on the universal batteries. then his would benifit me by being able to get some new tools and have a battery that works for all of them. Any suggestions? I’m thinking of the Ryobi, but I’m not sure. http://www.homedepot.com
Edited 12/4/2007 6:21 pm ET by andyfew322
Honestly, the Ryobi dustbuster is the weakest tool of that bunch. That doesn't compare to the suction of a 9v real Dustbuster.
Rebuilding my home in Cypress, CA
Also a CRX fanatic!
If your hair looks funny, it's because God likes to scratch his nuts. You nut, you.
Honestly, the Ryobi dustbuster is the weakest tool of that bunch.
I'll second that. I have 2 of the Ryobi's (they came with kits), and they never completely clean up the dust, debris, etc. An electric broom like the dirt devil is a *much* better choice.
Edited 12/4/2007 7:22 pm ET by bobguindon
Seriously. Don't do it. You'll regret it.
If guys were women, we'd like it.
They don't.
Trust me.
My mom's not like you're wife, she asked for it, anywawys, I'm using this as a way to *cough cough* get my dad to get me new good tools
Did she ask for it for Christmas? Really? Was it her #1 wish or one of many things on a list?
It's not just my wife. I know many guys, real and Breaktimers, who have made the nearly deadly mistake of thinking a Roomba or Dyson or Dustbuster was a cool present. It is a cool present, but women usually want sweaters and jewelry and books and #### like that.
My dad made that mistake. They're divorced now. I don't think it was just because of that but I can't say for sure.
Heads up.
Check his profile.
He really is fourteen, I give him credit.
If you know of a comparable but better choice kick back in.
I agree with what you said, as a forty sumpin.
He's in a different situation.Remodeling Contractor just on the other side of the Glass City
I know he's fourteen. That doesn't change the fact that women don't as a rule like vaccuum cleaners for presents.
Just trying to help him out. I already suggested proven winners: sweaters, jewelry, books. Sorry none of them come with batteries to power his own tools ;-)
"I know he's fourteen. That doesn't change the fact that women don't as a rule like vaccuum cleaners for presents."
my wife just asked for one about half an hour ago ...
and I did buy my Mom the dust buster she still has a good number of years ago ... and she still loves me!
Jeff Buck Construction
Artistry In Carpentry
Pittsburgh Pa
<LOL> Since when have you followed the rules
Maybe it's not as wide-spread a phenomena as I thought. I have witnessed some ugly gift exchanges when vaccuums were involved.
Just curious though...did your wife ask JUST for a vaccuum, or was it one thing in a list?
she was running the vaccuum ...
turned it off and said ...
"what'd I'd love for XMas is a good vaccuum!"
Jeff Buck Construction
Artistry In Carpentry
Pittsburgh Pa
Well I guess you got yourself a keeper then ;-)
it's all in the pick'ins!
maybe U gotta make a bigger mess at home ... get her distracted!
Jeff Buck Construction
Artistry In Carpentry
Pittsburgh Pa
Or stop doing the vacuuming myself??!
I stopped vacuuming myself a long time ago.
If your view never changes you're following the wrong leader
How do you get clean?
I don't -- still have a dirty mind, at least.
If your view never changes you're following the wrong leader
Someone needs to come out with a vacuum that you can ride .....or maybe a self propelled w/one of those little wheels that you stand on and ride around the house......sort of like .....mowing your carpet!
Buy a Tennant.
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If your view never changes you're following the wrong leader
Edited 12/11/2007 10:43 pm by DanH
"what'd I'd love for XMas is a good vaccuum!"
Hey Jeff -- if you believe her, and you only get her a vacuum for Xmas, you can come over and stay at my house for a while when she kick yer butt out of the house.
I'm just sayin' . . .
Mike HennessyPittsburgh, PA
she knows it's worse than that ...
I'm famous for taking requests ... then ignoring them.
she knows full well by now that what ever she asks for directly won't show up in her stocking ... I like to keep her guessing ...
one year ... after many years of asking for little diamond earrings .... she gave up asking ... and that year ... she got a nice set of diamonds!
that was when she started catching on ... so the next coupla years ...
I got her stuff pretty close to what she asked for.
just to throw her off the trail .... now ... we're back to Plan A.
luckily I pay a little attention thru the year ...
she's usually both happy and suprised.
Jeff Buck Construction
Artistry In Carpentry
Pittsburgh Pa
What Brand of tools really works well for you?
You need to think of balance,ergonomics,battery power,variety,reliability,durability and availability.
I started with the Dewalt 18 volt system and have stuck with it for the last 5 years.I try and find them clearanced or discounted.I now have 3 drills,impact drill, jig saw, vaccuum, circle saw, recip saw,cutout tool,radio,grinder,16 gauge nailgun,4 chargers and a half dozen batteries.I have given my duplicates as XMAS presents and they always go over well.
Last year I got a great deal on a Rigid door planer and have been adding to this system as I find deals.I now have the recip,drill and 2 chargers and 3 batteries.I am waiting for the circle saw to go on sale this holiday season.They have a 9 piece set on sale for the holidays that would be a great start.
Planning on building a system.It will help you with fresh batteries as you buy new tools which is a key part of cordless tools.
For the money the Rigid system 18 volt may be the best option but I don't know if they have a vaccuum.
We have been through a couple of cordless vacs, they all (don't) suck. Bouight DW a 1 gal corded vac from Lowes for about $25, saw almost identical one in a Sears ad. Called "Stinger', yellow body, black top, kinda short hose, about 2-3 ft, but it will suck the paint off the wall. She uses it to vac the carpeted stairs.
"Put your creed in your deed." Emerson
"When asked if you can do something, tell'em "Why certainly I can", then get busy and find a way to do it." T. Roosevelt
get the handheld dyson
I hear the cordless Orek is junk, skip that one.
I can attest that what you heard is true. And thier customer service is worse than thier products.Spheramid Enterprises Architectural Woodworks
"People that never get carried away should be"
Not sure if it's been mentioned and never used it however Dust buster has been advertising a new design of "stylish" dustbusters available, might look into that.
I've tried 6 or 7 different cordless vacs and the 15.6v Black and Decker Dustbuster is the best imho. Holds a decent charge, easy to clean, sucks pretty well for a cordless.
Get a corded Shark.