Riffing off of Piffs very cool thread ….I have always wondered about ethnic diversity here. Reason being is that I was brought up by an orthadox Jewish father in Brooklyn. I lived most all of my younger most influential life in a black and Hispanic and Asian neighborhood here in NY. Bestttttttttttt years of my life were with us mixed up breeds…..not necessarily within our own personal families but more within our hoods. Our Child HOODS. When I moved out of NYC and into Brklyn then to a mostly black area of Queens NY (Corona, which Paul Simon sings about in one of his tunes) (going to Hebrew school everyday…..six days a week after public school) I realized that there wasnt one iota of difference in our beings other then the way our parents brought us up. My friends were my friends forever. Color was just interesting at that point to say the least. I remember at around 11 years of age asking my friend Joesph Bolton if being black felt different then I felt being white as we bought snow cones together on a hot NY summers day……he said…..he wondered the same about me being white….I’ll NEVER forget that conversation on Northern Bld in Corona Queens. I dont think either of us answered it…Cant remember for sure.
Spose what hit me hardest was my move to suburbia only 30 minutes away during the bussing era. Into a lily white anti semetic racist hood of Valley Stream Long Island onto of all streets “Irving St”………LOL A Jewish named st….lol. Swatstckas in chalk all over the front of our walk in ///well around 1966ish… Missed my black brothers and asians and Hispanics but there we were in the f’in promised land….our own track house in the suburbs…..wont go any further in this story but I was real shortly outta there into a whole new world of understanding…on my own and way under age…Wonder if you all in the mid west and out west and north and south had similar experiances……..
Be well
It’s not who’s right, it’s who’s left ~ http://CLIFFORDRENOVATIONS.COM
We had only one black kid in our rural neighborhood and we never thought much of it. He was actually kind of a cool local icon. Only kid around that had an 18 gear 10 speed bike that he customized the gears on himself. Even got a speeding ticket on his bike. During the annual weeklong camping trip to scout camp he use to hike in his own cookies and sweets and always brought his own doormat rug to put outside his tent door. Would really like to talk to him again.
Half of good living is staying out of bad situations.
Forget the primal scream, just Roar!
Edited 10/4/2002 5:51:35 PM ET by rez
I was curious about this in a recent discussion where Shazlett raked Andy for not having enuf minorities represented in photos in the mag. I got to asking myself whether any minority folk land here regularly. There are a couple characters that I imagine being from this or that racial background.
I am about 60% German, from the Alsace Lorraine, so ancestors have fought in German and French armies both as Europe moved those little lines around on the map over the ages. On Mom's side, I get a large dose of Welch, Norman, and French.
I seem to identify mentally with Slavs more than any other race. I don't want this to sound racist in a demeaning way, but you know how a family that is close thinks alike? Some of that is learned habits but I think that genetic makeup also effects how we think - the chemistry of the mental process. So family groupings of people with a common heritage will naturally feel drawn to each other within that group.
I also feel some commonality with oriental folk. Who knows, maybe the Khan made it far enough into europe to plant some seed there...
I wonder how many of you are aware that the Aryan branch of the human family originated in northern india and that the Afghan peoples are more genetically related to europeans than to Arabs. It is only by religion that they differ.
Brothers all since Noah landed on Arrarat!
Excellence is its own reward!
Theres a reason why green is my favorite color.Cut me some slack here
Quittin' Time
Is it unreasonable to suggest that there does not appear to be much focus on minorities in FHB because that is not what the mag is about? I don't expect Jet Magazine would have too many articles on the contributions of Chinese laborers to construction of the transcontinental railroad or in depth coverage of the St. Patricks Day parade in Columbia, SC. It is a narrowly focused product that caters to a select segment of the population. By the same argument FHB is NOT a mag of general circulation on par with Time, People or National Geographic. It is really a professional magazine that, because of it's superior layout and Everyman appeal, has perhaps a broader market base than say Engineering News Record. I do not see pressures building for broader ethnic representation in Engineered Systems or Scientific American.
I've only been reading FHB for about 4 years and I have never once questioned the political correctness of an article. Andy and his staff and ALL of you guys who contribute speak eloquently on what you know and the lives you lead. Any one who has time to complain that the Magazine or this forum do not reflect the color and culture of America must lead a frustrating existence. It makes about as much sense to wring their hands over the social injustices of FHB as it does the National Electric Code.
It weren't me complaining.
I was just curious if any minority types were frequenting this forum is all. No ulterior motives of any knid and don't give a rip for PC.
Excellence is its own reward!
First of all.....Jet Magazine is specifically oriented towards black folks so why use that as a comparrison? No one suggested here that FHB is being discriminatory. Not at all. All "I" posed was a question.....and observation. Whats wrong with that? I know enough brothers that are in the field doing incredable work. A lot of the people I know and recently met are from Jamaica doing really awesome work. I spose I should have taken pictures of the work sites but I didnt think of it at the time. Just is sort of confusing to me as to why there arent more diverse ethnic photos and articles (nothing to do with FHB staff what so ever)? Probably because only white people read and write to this rag. I have no problem whatsoever with that...Was just curious as to why. Why are you making a big stink out of this question? Its a justified question. No fingers pointed in any direction what so ever. I was just wondering why. This rag isnt Jet or The Christian Monitor or.......its open to all which is why I possed the question. Thats all. Lighten up dude and try and understand where I'm coming from. This rag is the most worthy one on the stands for builders and home owners alike as well as perspective homeowners. I was just wondering why it hadnt reached more people of darker skin colors was all.
Be well
AndyIt's not who's right, it's who's left ~ http://CLIFFORDRENOVATIONS.COM
Andy: I don't have bone to pick with you--My response was to Piffin and I was just venting over shazlett's unnecessary comments to Andy Engel. You commented that Jet is specifically targeted toward black people and why use that as a comparison? Jet and FHB are both targeted to specific population sub-groups, Jet is focused on ethnicity and FHB is focused on a profession. Did shazlett ever complain to Jet that there was not enough diversity in their pages when ethnicity is clearly what they are all about? FHB is solely dedicated to providing sound advice to anyone who is interested-- on homebuilding.
The one thing that draws me to this magazine and forum is the accessibility of the magazines contributors and the editorial staff. Is there anyone here who thinks that a letter to the editor of any newspaper or any other magazine would get the kind of immediate access that FHB gives? Well, Andy may have stepped down coincidentally but if I were in his shoes, I would have to ask myself why bother. I don't know if Andy ever heard the story about the time that William Faulkner gave up being the postmaster in Oxford, Mississippi. One of his cronies was aghast that Will would give up so important and secure a position. Faulkner responded that " Never again would he be at the beck and call of every SOB in the world with 3 cents to buy a stamp." By the same token, I don't think Andy wanted to ( or should) have to defend editorial content to every SOB in the world who logs on to this website, particularly if it has nothing to do with building.
I really enjoy the banter and the diversity of opinion here and if any one else want's to ask 'I wonder why 'anything' in the tavern then I'm all for them. But, I don't see the point in brow beating the one guy who makes this thing work for all of us, when inspiration for hands on living is all we're here for. I do not question anybodies right or reason to ask why, but when the sole purpose of their argument is to show how tenacious they can be, then they're not only rude, they're--well--common.
Andy, you and Piffin are voices of reason on this site and no offense to either of you. Piffin just pointed at a windmill and I thougfht I would tilt at it---I'm done---
Tribes.....That which has been around since the beggining of human time. probably more responsible for racism than religion,
Speaking of diversity, did anyone else attend a Ten-Ten celebration this week (or plan to attend a function next Thursday) ? My son marched in the parade carrying the big flag (he's a Cub Scout) - had a good time.
Phill Giles
The Unionville Woodwright
Unionville, Ontario