Hi all,
Does anyone know of a print resource, or internet resource for practice questions for the contractor license exam? I would eventually like to get a license, in my state, (WV) you can get just a remodelers license. Which is all I would be interested in since most of the work I get is inside.
You need to check with your state licencing agency. Here in VA when I took my test 15 years ago there wasn't a single question on the test about actual construcation. It was all about OSHA regs and tax forms.
In SC 25 years ago it was a two day exam building a 4 story building on paper from excavation to door bell.
Both exams were open book though.
you may have already investigated this option, but usually there are prep classes that run a few hundred bucks that are held at vocational high schools or community/technical colleges at night. They usually give you a practice exam which is damn close to the real thing. They usually have a guarantee that if you fail the test you can retake the class free. Usually classes are taught by building inspectors.
I know that here in MA you cannot find practise/sample tests anywhere. The companies that teach the course will not let them out of the room so that you can photocopy them. It keeps them in business.