Exterior Renovation – Siding and exterior trim

Hello All,
I am new to the site but want to get some input on a project that I am about to begin. The attached images are of a house that I recently inherited. It is located in new england in a very woodsy area on a large piece of wooded property. I want to change the appearance to be similar to the white house that I have also included an image of – white with some red trim around the windows. The roofing on the house has been recently replaced so I do not plan change to metal roof at this point in time. I am trying to decide on a siding and trim type and am a little torn. On one hand I really like the low maintenance of vinyl siding but on the other hand I don’t want the house to look too plastic. I have considered Hardie board cement board siding but am concerned about the water issues I have heard of and prefer minimum maintenance (no recaulking/painting) if possible. Do you think I can achieve the look that I am going for with a quality vinyl siding? What is considered to be the highest quality vinyl siding that I should be looking at for this application? Also similarly for trim; what would be recommended? Thank to all in advance for any help on this topic. Also if anybody has design ideas for this home besides the white home I have included here please share.
Quality vinyl siding? Hahaha, no such thing. It will always look like plastic, particularly at first. And it will always be plastic, an environmental night mare. Ugh.
Hardie board isn't maintenance free but it isn't totally soul less either. I don't know what water issues you refer to with hardie board.
Of course I'm prejudiced but I personally prefer the current look to artificial, even more so on a wooded setting. JMHOP.
Painting what’s there white isn’t an option?