I’m scratchin my head, trying to think through the frameup for a screened porch roof. Porch ceiling has a barrel vault ceiling, and roof above is an eyebrow dormer interrupting a 4-1/2 pitch shed.
You can see it on pp. 70-71 of FHB #156, July ’03, inside and outside.
Can anyone refer me to a text reference with some hints on how to frame this?
"A Roof Cutters Secrets'' by Will Holladay is an excellent detailed reference for framing an eyebrowed dormer. Chapter 9.
I bought the book here.
I used to step my rafters. More and more I use this book to help frame my roofs.
I have been doodling for a while, since I posted the Q earlier. The pic shows the concept I think might work.
Basically, the porch's ceiling frame, with its arc barrel shape, is framed first, then the roof that intersects it is California'd over its sheathing. We only have to sheath, of course, the part of the frame that is roofed.
We will probably preengineer this thing, shop-make all the patterned parts with the bandsaw, and slap it all up as a kit.
Look close and you can see how the inside ceiling has flats flanking the arc barrel, which is sprung up from the adjacent sides, while outside, the soffit flows in one continuous line.
Edited 7/11/2004 11:51 am ET by Bob Dylan
Edited 7/11/2004 11:56 am ET by Bob Dylan
Wish my "doodling" looked like that!
More like chicken scratch on graph paper. I've got to second Will Holiday's Roof Cutter's Secrets. Explains things well, lots of drawings and photographs make for great visual aids. I remember a few good shots of barrel vaults in there.
Nice, what did you do the doo-dle with? Cheers,Phil.If it is to be.... 'twil be done by me.
Cadkey 97, a 3D mechanical package with rendering, a lot like AutoCad.
Next, You'll be asking how to insulate and ventilate the thing!
Welcome to the Taunton University of Knowledge FHB Campus at Breaktime. where ... Excellence is its own reward!
Yeah. Thats some doodling alright. I use crayons and napkins. ;-)
That sure is an interesting looking roof and ceiling. I was thinking of an eyebrow that had a pitch to it and ''californiaing'' it in the reverse as your doodle.
Your doodle looks great. Post some pics of her coming together. I would love to see it.
Good Luck.