Just got done with an Ecostar fake slate job. It looks pretty good, but I don’t see any real advantage over real slate. With all the hoops we had to jump through to get the warranty in place, it probably cost about the same as real slate. We’ve already had to go back several times to tape down shingles that have lifted after the fact. It’s got a nice beat, but you can’t dance to it.
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"I have learned so much thanks to the searchable articles on the FHB website. I can confidently say that I expect to be a life-long subscriber." - M.K.
How about some close ups big fella.
How about some close ups big fella.
It looks like rubber if you get too close and there's almost no detail on this roof.
View Imagehttp://www.quittintime.com/ View Image
The part I don't like about these products is the gaps they mandate between each tile.
I know I'm an old stick in the mud - but I like the look of tight butts !!
You and me both, tight butts - uh huh - uh huh! Wide butts, not nearly so attractive.You don't see wide on a good slate job, well after the slaters are gone.
"I know I'm an old stick in the mud - but I like the look of tight butts !!"I can't wait to see what Sphere does with that line
Welcome to the Taunton University of Knowledge FHB Campus at Breaktime. where ... Excellence is its own reward!
I ain't touching that one..nosiree.Spheramid Enterprises Architectural Woodworks
Repairs, Remodeling, Restorations
They kill Prophets, for Profits.
Man , a guy tosses out a 'tater and youze guys try to get ball four instead of takin' it out of the park !!!
Ah, the wife had a stupid movie on PPV and I wasn't too thrilled to be watching it, and my abilty to get witty went out the window.Spheramid Enterprises Architectural Woodworks
Repairs, Remodeling, Restorations
They kill Prophets, for Profits.
When did you go PW on us !
It wasn't that as much as the sound was terrible and I couldn't make out the dialouge, and she was yapping during the talking parts..so I had the Closecaption feature on, but I can't read that without my glasses on..and the Laptop is close by, and I can't read THAT WITH my glasses on...and she was yapping.
By the end of the movie I was ready to jam a pencil in each ear and scoop my eyes out with a tablespoon. That kinda movie. Spheramid Enterprises Architectural Woodworks
Repairs, Remodeling, Restorations
They kill Prophets, for Profits.
I'm glad you had such an enjoyable evening <G>
Next time use a grapefruit spoon for digging your eyes out in agony. It scores the sockets nicely leaving long lines of scaped inner eye socket. Bonus if it hasn't been washed, so you get the sting of fresh grapfuit juice in your damaged but empty eye sockets!
Tu stultus esRebuilding my home in Cypress, CAAlso a CRX fanatic!
Look, just send me to my drawer. This whole talking-to-you thing is like double punishment.
What brand of snow guards did you use for this roof ?
You didn't glue them on did 'ya
What brand of snow guards did you use for this roof ?
Grant Logan Brand:
http://www.quittintime.com/ View Image
Very nice ! I thought you talked about buying them for that standing seam job , so I figured these might have been a purchased item.
I assume the 15' threaded rod for attachment comes from the hardware store ??
I assume the 15' threaded rod for attachment comes from the hardware store ??
No - Canada.
I was going to anchor them to the earth's core, but they were out of those bolts.
Seriously, they worked well in our recent ice storm. http://www.quittintime.com/ View Image
All joking aside I like the look of them.
A lot of people don't fully understand how snow guards are expected to perform.The only problem I ever had was using copper " pigtails ". I used 3 courses at the eaves on a clients slate roof. They worked fine until the year of our ice storm -- then they just folded over when it warmed up letting the massive buildup come crashing down.
Now my favorite is Sieger Model C guards nailed into the roof boards.
Good way to use up scrap from other jobs so it doesn't go in the junk barrel.
Good way to use up scrap from other jobs so it doesn't go in the junk barrel.
That's exactly where the material came from. Out of the "little" scrap pile. They're screwed into the sheathing above the shingles.http://www.quittintime.com/ View Image
I was going to anchor them to the earth's core, but they were out of those bolts.
Ya shoulda called me; I always keep a few of those rattling around in the back of the truck.
How now, Mighty Sauron, that thou art not broughtlow by this? For thine evil pales before that whichfoolish men call Justice....
Bwahahahaahttp://www.quittintime.com/ View Image
If you like, I can loan you the impact gun you need to tighten those things down, too. Develops 42,978,446,257.4 foot-pounds of torque, requires a 9,000 kp/cm³ compressor with a 72,000-barrel air tank, and has a T-handle 327 kilometers in length which conveniently folds down to 6" for storage like a collapsable tesseract.
Or you could pick one up at Western Auto; they're on special this week for $29.98.
How now, Mighty Sauron, that thou art not broughtlow by this? For thine evil pales before that whichfoolish men call Justice....
Yeah, I got tickled at regional differences. We only need those things to keep the gutters from getting bent.http://www.quittintime.com/ View Image
You notice my place doesn't have any gutters? There's a reason for that....
How now, Mighty Sauron, that thou art not broughtlow by this? For thine evil pales before that whichfoolish men call Justice....
You didn't glue them on did 'ya
Nah - I lag bolted them all the way through the rafters, through the ceiling joists and floor joists into the basement floor.
http://www.quittintime.com/ View Image
but did you predrill?
You're damn skippy.http://www.quittintime.com/ View Image
Grant ,
One more question please . What do you guys use for underlayment for that roof ? 1 or 2 courses of Grace or similar , then synthetic above that ?
1 or 2 courses of Grace or similar , then synthetic above that ?
Yeah, and it had to be proprietary underlayment and I&WS. Also had to use their SS nails.http://www.quittintime.com/ View Image
Looks right nice, Grant!
Did you have to hand nail for the warranty or could you use a gun?
Gun nailed.http://www.quittintime.com/ View Image