I am installing 1×6 pine channel groove siding..This is pine that I am pre-staining (both sides) and then nailing up. I want to know what anyone has to say about the fasteners to use…I would like to use 16 gauge galvanized finish nails because they will work in my nail gun, the heads will not really show…my concerns are that they are not hot-dipped galvanized, they do not have a large head to hold the wood and the gauge is a bit small. I f I put two of these on every stud, I think it will be fine, the only stainless steel nails available at local store have a head the size of a 8d nail…too visible…any suggestions appreciated…thanks
Edited 10/15/2002 6:38:01 PM ET by JRUSSWEST
16 gauge is too thin, and electroplate is too thin. I use a Senco 15 gauge stainless nail.
You're talking way too small of a nail. Get some stainless siding nails and do it right. You can use a hammer. Unique idea, I know.
Excellence is its own reward!
You might get away with using some 10d or 12d hot dipped casing nails and then swing that hammer.
The builder of my house used finish nails on my siding, and I had to replace the whole south wall within ten years. Finish nails do not (can not) hold the siding to the sheathing, which eventually will cause big problems. I've been slowly replacing the (now rusting) finish nails with stainless ring-shanked siding nails. As the old addage goes, if it's worth doing, it's worth doing right. (Or words to that effect.)
Hitachi makes a coil gun which shoots siding nails. We've used it on cedar sidewall shingles. It might work well for your application, too.
A number of years ago (before I found out about the Hitachi gun) I used some 16ga galv finish nails on cedar beveled siding. It was just some patching; not a whole project. They've held up fine so far, but I wouldn't use the finish nails again, just to be on the safe side.
BTW, Original work (1910s and 1920s) in my area typically uses either siding nails or countersunk casing nails, which of course have larger shanks than 16ga.