Filling gaps between pine board flooring
Hi All,
I’m new here, looks like a pretty good bunch of people. I could use a little advice. My partner and I went to look at a house last night that was built about 1850. The customer would like to have the large gaps filled in between the wide pine board flooring filled. The boards are about 1.5 inches thick with a spline running the length between the boards. The gaps are approx. 5/8″ deep and vary from 1/4″ to about 1/2″ wide. My partner has done this in the past at another house by cleaning the gaps out, then laying a bed of black silicone in the bottom, then laying some cord in the silicone, then topping out the gap with more black silicone and making the silicone flat to the flooring around it then finishing the floor. Neither one of us really wants to do this method for a lot of reasons. The other method would be to use the circular saw and cut the gaps slightly bigger but straight, and tap in pieces of bevelled pine that tightly fit the new straight gap, then sand it all flat and finish the floor.
Anybody have any other ideas for this? Any products out there that could help in this situation?
Thanks for any help.
carp glue and stranded hemp rope. unravel for varied thickness.