OK I hope this attach files thing works…
Mine’s a 6×10…the shelves are from HD, screwed to the floor and walls using some leftover Simpson hardware. The hooks are also from HD, but I’m planning on replacing them with hooks made of galv. 1/2″ water pipe so the stuff doesn’t fall off every time I hit a bump. Also, I think I’m gonna move the front shelves over to the left side so I can carry longer stuff and so the trailer isn’t so nose-heavy.
I’ll post some more pics (including the new truck) when I get the next roll developed.
Jason Pharez Construction
Framing & Exterior Remodeling
OK it still didn't work...anybody I can email these two pics to?
Jason Pharez Construction
Framing & Exterior Remodeling
Send them to meI'll give it a try You should be able to email through breaktime.
I'm thinking of outfitting a trailer sometime not too far down the road. I'd like to see the photos.
Have a good day.
I don't see a thing?The heck, you say?
"I don't see a thing?"
it's nite time ... he's got the anti-theft device turned on ...
outta site ... outta mind.
Jeff Buck Construction
Artistry In Carpentry
Pittsburgh Pa
Or it's a really really really small trailer.
6X10.... centimeters?The heck, you say?
I tried to email ya, but Taunton didn't give me a way to attach files to the email.Jason Pharez Construction
Framing & Exterior Remodeling
turn off your pop-up blocker if you are running one and see if that makes a difference -
"there's enough for everyone"
Is th "Files Attached" icon supposed to show up when I preview my message?Jason Pharez Construction
Framing & Exterior Remodeling
Hey, how do I get one of those invisible trailers? Sure the thiefs will have a hard time finding it.
I had one of those invisible trailers, haven't worked in months!
When you attach images and then preview before posting, the "Attached files" icon should be present in the preview window. I am assuming that you are getting past the point of browsing to the files, hitting the upload button etc. So they are not showing up when you preview but it does show them as having been successfuly uploaded? LMK -M
SYSOPGot a question about the forums? email me at:[email protected]
Edited 8/24/2005 11:22 am ET by SYSOP
Hey thanks for responding (bunch of smart-alecks in here LOL!). I hit upload and it seems like its working, so when its finished (it has never told me so but all the "bars" are present), I hit "done"--nothing in the preview or the post.
I scanned these from my scanner and saved them in my hard drive's pictures file. Might this have anything to do with it?Jason Pharez Construction
Framing & Exterior Remodeling
I hit upload and it seems like its working, so when its finished (it has never told me so...
when it finishes, it should list the attachment toward the top of the attachment box - I'm guessing you are not letting it finish - maybe a dialup connect and big pictures? - - try to get your file to a jpeg of 50K or so -
"there's enough for everyone"
Well I am on dialup...even though it looks like it's finished loading, it's still saying "Opening http://www.acx.prospero......) in the bottom left corner of the window, and I haven't seen the first icon on my post yet. As to the size, I have no clue; nothing's told me...lemme see if I can find out...
EDIT: It's 867 KB...thats BIG! Lemme see if I can do one at a time.
Jason Pharez Construction
Framing & Exterior Remodeling
Edited 8/24/2005 2:08 pm ET by JasonPharez
It sounds like the only thing you are doing wrong is not waiting long enough. Are you on a dialup connection? LMK -MSYSOPGot a question about the forums? email me at:[email protected]
Are you suggesting with the pic that I take up a hobby while my pics load LOL?
Like I said let me scan one pic and I'll give it say 15 minutes and see what happens.
Heck, my helper and I just reconfigured the trailer this AM so the pics are already old!Jason Pharez Construction
Framing & Exterior Remodeling
Sorry no I was just testing to see something. Forgot to delete it... Actually I beleive that is a pic that David Doud took on how to graft a tree... -MSYSOPGot a question about the forums? email me at:[email protected]
OK I tried it again and it gave me error: 004-236-51538Jason Pharez Construction
Framing & Exterior Remodeling
I have noticed that attachment pictures seem to grow darker as they age - thought that was only photos <G>
seriously tho, it does seem to happen - certainly did with my pict you posted -
"there's enough for everyone"
Not to hijack the thread, but where's the Tavern?
Sign me up again, please.
Maybe I didn't give it enough time..I'll try again.
EDIT: Still no pics! Argh!
Jason Pharez Construction
Framing & Exterior Remodeling
Edited 8/24/2005 8:22 am ET by JasonPharez
>>I'll post some more pics (including the new truck) when I get the next roll developed.
Roll developed? What does that mean?
"...when I get the next roll developed"
Does that mean this is a horse-drawn carriage? ;)
The Breaktimer formerly known as "Steve-O"
"Preach the Gospel at all times; if necessary, use words." - St. Francis of Assisi