if you’re into real neat hand tools (new spins on old, reliable, designs) you should check into this site:
some of their tools are a little pricey, but the tools are practically works of art.
personally, i’m trying to convince myself that i’ve been needing a new 12″ combo square—-would make for a good shop conversation piece.
anyone acually own some of these tools or know of other companies that make similar tools?
A little pricey? $700 for a block plane and $400 for a Yankee drill? I agree the stuff looks nice, but I'd rather have two planners than one plane. Maybe as a retirement present. Or a $70 square to have something really nice in your toolbelt. -David
*the few that i've tried were nice, but not that nice. that hand drill weighs about ten pounds, and is very long. doesn't really seem to match up with the job people would want it for (ie: precise, small holes...) for the money i'd take starrett any day of the week. a guy i know has their japanese saw though, and he swears it's the best dovetail saw on the market, barr none.
*personally, i was just awed by that combo square. i already own 3 but all are the normal black, plain and boring. just want something unique. starrett wants $140...bridge city is $150. the only downfall is the scale on bridge city's---only 32nds and metric, thats just too many lines sometimes. gabe
if you're into real neat hand tools (new spins on old, reliable, designs) you should check into this site:
some of their tools are a little pricey, but the tools are practically works of art.
personally, i'm trying to convince myself that i've been needing a new 12" combo square----would make for a good shop conversation piece.
anyone acually own some of these tools or know of other companies that make similar tools?