Flextherm bathroom floor heating/shower
I’ve used Flextherm electric floor heat on three tile bathrooms in the past with great success. This time we are building a European Style shower (walk in/ no tub or curb/no glass). I plan to use Flextherm’s green wire for wet spaces.
The question Flextherm can’t answer for me is which shower pan/barrier to use. They say check with the manufacturer, but won’t suggest one. Some of the guys bidding the tile job are concerned that putting heat so close to the pan could make the plastic based ones fail. Any experience/suggestons?
Go to http://www.johnbridge.com and ask the folks there. The temperature of the Flextherm is very low -- probably lower than the the hot water hitting the tile in the shower. I would suggest using Kerdi, but go ahead and ask the folks at John Bridge.