Hi All!
I am going to insulate the underside of the roof deck and side walls of a walk in attic to get the attic inside the thermal envelope. As an aside, the attic houses the upstairs HVAC, granted the house was built in 1974 but who the heck does things like this??? Anyway, about 800 sq ft of surface to insulate so if I use 3″ of Fomo Foam that is going to run me around $2900, kinda steep. As an option I was thinking of foaming in a thin layer of foam to seal the roof deck and then putting in a loosely fitting, 4″ piece of pink insulation board, then foaming the edges to make a good air seal.
Anyone have experiences to share on doing something like this?
I think those do it yourself foams are great... if you have a bunch of small jobs to do.
When I was pricing larger jobs I checked how much it would cost for fomofoam (and others) to do my job.
108 board feet at 3" quoted to me at $450 Canadian, INSTALLED
Plus, since I had a bunch of voids that needed to be filled, they did extra. Between 50 and 60 board feet extra (est). Since the $450 was their minimum charge for coming out... I just paid that amount. I wonder how good the deal gets for a big job.
Here's from fomofoams website.
P10749 - II-605 $695.00
This kit is a 605 board foot kit. My job would have come out to 324 board feet at one inch which is about half that kit. Call it $350 US. Then add 25% to that for the exchange rate and get $425 plus I would have had to do the work and also learn how to do the work.
I like professionals for this one.