Looking to buy a framing nailer and am wondering whether available nail brands should guide my purchase.
These breaktimes have been very helpful. Someone referred to a Tools of the Trade review and that’s now been incorporated into the Amazon/Tool Crib site. Their article picked the Porter Cable FR350 among their top 3 favorites. Good price, too.
But in those Amazon pages where folks write their own reviews a few folks blasted the PC cause it jammed, etc. and took it back to Home Depot and exchanged it. At Home Depot, they carry just the Bostitch nails but say they fit the PC. If Home Depot doesn’t have PC nails, should I get a Bostitch gun since those are the nails….or go to Furrows and buy Hitachi because they have Hitachi nails…..
Get the hitachi. Not because of the nail issue, but because it is a better gun.
I have had years of experience with many brands of gun as well as different brands of nails for said guns. If you can't afford a senco, then your next best bet is hitachi. As far as the name brand vs. generic nail issue. Every time we tried to save money by using generic nails, the gun jambs would become quite a bit more frequent. switch back to the name brand nails and the jambs tapered off consideribly. couple of years down the line, memory fades, salesman convinces us to try these "just as good" nails, return of the nail jambs. Run through them, go back to expensive nails, no more jambs! etc. etc. etc.
Stick with the name brand nails.
*Depends on the gun brands.I use Senco finish guns, and DeVilbiss framers. I use generic nails in both because of the cost factor. Not one time (in many years) have I ever had a jamming problem because of brand of nails. PC is a good gun. Like all the rest, it needs to be serviced and cleaned regularly. Dirt and debris is the worst enemy of any nail gun.James DuHamel
*I feel like the odd man out. 6 years ago I bought a Passlode, and it's still going strong. Why did I go for it? No compressor to set up and take down. No cords or hoses to trip over. I listened to some nay-sayers complain that you couldn't leave the power cartridge in for more than a month without it emptying itself and that they couldn't afford that expense. Personally I don't know where they are coming from - they probably weren't Passlode owners. Once I left mine unused for 8 months, loaded it, recharged the battery and the "old", left-in-the-gun, gas cartridge worked. It obviously didn't leak itself empty.Personally I love it.Cliff. Johnston
*I've got Paslode guns. Not the airless ones, just the regular framing guns you hook up to a compressor.I've had no problems, and I can buy the nails at HD and other places.Ed.
*I also have had the cordless Paslode for a couple of years & I just love it. I tried a Hitachi coil nailer & man I almost shot myself many times.Personally I think this one had a BIGTIME hair trigger. Even if you knocked it on the side it would fire. Are all nailers that you can bouce fire like that? The one reason I love my paslode so much is just the safety factor.I have only bought Paslode nails for my gun but wouldnt mind trying aftermarket nails. Can you suggest any for the Paslode? I find the Paslode nails kind of expensive especialy the galvanized ones. I pay like $60+ for 2500 3 1/4" galvanized. The commons arent too bad. I pay about $40+ for 3500 3 1/4". This is at H.D. in CanadaThanks.Ted
*Have a senco and it seems to like the generic nails my yard stocks just as well as the genuine senco's. They don't seem quite as zoomy as the senco's but they're only $20 a box. Have a buddy that's a framer and he says his P/C guns do just as well. I like the drive depth adjustment on the senco though.
Looking to buy a framing nailer and am wondering whether available nail brands should guide my purchase.
These breaktimes have been very helpful. Someone referred to a Tools of the Trade review and that's now been incorporated into the Amazon/Tool Crib site. Their article picked the Porter Cable FR350 among their top 3 favorites. Good price, too.
But in those Amazon pages where folks write their own reviews a few folks blasted the PC cause it jammed, etc. and took it back to Home Depot and exchanged it. At Home Depot, they carry just the Bostitch nails but say they fit the PC. If Home Depot doesn't have PC nails, should I get a Bostitch gun since those are the nails....or go to Furrows and buy Hitachi because they have Hitachi nails.....