Thinking about purchasing a framing nailer. Any tips regarding brands, types, ect., appreciated. Any advantages over round head or clipped head types? I have had good luck with Porter Cable products in the past so I have been considering thier models. The nailer I will purchase will get moderate use but I don’t want to purchase low end or one that will have to be rebuilt every other day. Thanks in advance for any help!
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"I have learned so much thanks to the searchable articles on the FHB website. I can confidently say that I expect to be a life-long subscriber." - M.K.
Right now, 15 posts below yours is a thread about buying a framing nailer.
Thanks JoeH. I missed those discussions - new guy to this site so I didn't look in the right place. Thanks for your help.
The FHB issue in question, I finally found it, is April/May 2002 #146. Mucch newer than the '83' article.
Thanks 4LORN1. I found my issue of 3/2002 #145 which is the type of article I wanted to review. I have been a subscriber since April/May 82' so I have a pretty decent collection to reference. Kind of feel dumb that I blew by that particular issue. Hope I can return a favor in the future. Best regards!
Since FH started having the outer mailing cover, which I usually leave on for protection, it's easy to lose track of feature articles.
Not complaining, mind you.
I took a look at clipped vs full head also. Found that in some areas clipped head do not meet code. Am finding that most area stores are selling only clipped heads.
Ended up with the Hitachi 83A full head nailer due to 1)low weight 2) reputation for Hitatchi being less prone to jams and 3) price- found a new one on ebay for $290.
Been using it and found it to be a great nailer. Good luck.
Check back issues of FHB for their review of framing nailers. It was seemed to cover most of the available models along with covering the various features and variations available.
Another review that looked good to me is available on the "Tools of the Trade" web site.
Its emphasis is on power.
Thanks for the web site 4LORN1. I did look previously for past articles in FHB, but only found a June 83' article, which was helpful although dated? The web site was a great help. Best Regards
Porter Cable full round head. Ive used em all and this is by far the best deal going.