Future Pool Solar Installation
I’m having a pool water heater installed and want to have the hookups installed and stubbed out for a future solar panel installation. From looking at some pool solar literature, I need the following items installed between my pool filter and the pool heater:
1. Check Valve – prevents backwash into the pool and filter when the solar panels drain.
2. Two Isolation Valves (to isolate the solar system supply and return)
3. Bypass Valve – Diverts some or all of the water to the solar panels.
My questions are related to the valves needed. Do the isolation valves need to be a Jandy-type valve ($40 each) or can they be a standard PVC ball valve ($10 each)? Do standard ball valves come in a 2-inch diameter? I’ve only seen up to 1-1/2-inch diameter at Home Depot.
Is the bypass valve just a regular valve, or something special? Again, will a standard ball valve suffice or is a Jandy-type valve required?
I plan to have the supply and return pipes stubbed out just after the isolation valves and do the solar in a couple of years.
Thanks in advance.