I’m about to purchase two garage door openers – with a zillion models and 3 types to choose from – anybody know of a good recent review of these products? I found nothing on Consumer Reports website.
I’m told there is one company that makes a torsion spring mounted version – anyone have more information/experience with that type?
I had the same experience a few months ago. I opted for a name-brand one (Genie) to be able to get the various accessories (monitors to mount in the house, different transmitters, etc.) But I wished someone independent had reviewed the pros and cons of the different models. -David
*It has been my experince ( I'm An existing home inspector ) that the stanley brand is garbage. If the light gauge sheetmetal guide pipe doesn't bend than the plastic gears will eihter strip off or allow the chain to slipI have had to replace too many that could not withstand the rigours of normal testing
*Had a side job installing doors and openers for a while. We minly used chaimberlain screw drive. Decent price, well built, and quick and easy to install. Chaimberlain makes(or used to make) sears, but I got my last one at Home Base. $129 on sale with two remotes and a keypad. Chain drive for that price though. Works well but not as quiet.
*Scott,Did I hear you right? Torsion spring mounted garage door opener?How is that possible? A torsion bar spring is mounted directly above the garage door. This bar normally takes the place of the conventional springs located along the tops of the metal sidetracks that the door rolls up on.On conventional tracks, a "J" hook is attached at the center top portion of the door; which pulls the door upward and back toward the opener itself; which is normally located 10 feet or so in the rear of the opening area.For an opener to be positioned on top of a torsion bar, it would have to attach its pulling mechanism to both sides of the door at the bottom of it. Is there really such a thing? What name brand? How does it actually work? Never seen one or heard of one like this.Davo.
*Davo,There definately is one made. I even have a video ad for it somewhere. I'll see what I can find.Jerry
*Yes, there are torsion spring mount openers. They are not unusual on large commercial doors. The cables attach to the bottom of each side of the door and are taken up on winder drums at the top. The motor mounts on one side with chain driven gearing to the torsion spring shaft. They also usually have a hand chain that can be used when the transmission graps out on the motor. Any commercial overhead door company will have them.Never seen one on a light weight residental door. They are usualy 240v min. and expensive.Dave
*I've learned this much more about the torsion spring version. A door company called Wayne Dalton offers it for residential doors. I haven't had time to look into it any further.In my case I have the doors already (Ideal) and would love to find a torsion spring opener that would fit on my door.Scott Lind
*Well, not that rare. There are a fair number of "in-fill" and replacement homes in upscale neighbourhoods in the city that feature a low garage under the living area and using torsion spring/cable door mechanisms with special low-profile rollers to operate the doors. As there's only about 1" clearance above these doors, they have to be operated from the side. If there's room, they mount a worm-drive opener on the wall or ceiling beside the door that runs the axel (i.e. the bar that the cable drums and the spring are mounted) directly; if not, then a sprocket is mounted on the axel and a chain-drive opener with a longer chain is mounted farther back on the ceiling which turns the sprocket, which, ... you get the picture. I honestly don't know if they buy these made, someone has a sideline business modifying them, or if they're made on-site; but I've seen many of them around (Genie, Stanley, and occassionally a Sears). Both methods play havoc with the resistance limiters and positive sensors must be used to detect objects in the path of the door (which is another challenge when snow piles up just outside the door, but that's another story).
*Nearly forgot, they have to either add a third drum to the torsion bar to pull the door closed, or, use a long leaf-spring to push it (if they use the leaf, they have to remove the torsion-spring, which means that only a line-backer can manually open the door in the event of a power-failure). That cable has a heavy spring on it to avoid binding, but the door will not start closing on its own weight and need to be "started".
*If you have a totally unheated detached garage in cool wet climate, consider removing the circuit board and coating it with clear polyurethane (called conformal coat in circuit board biz). Got a new opener a few years back that formed condensation on the board and quit working in a few months, cleaned it with isopropol, air dried, then coated with poly, has worked fine for 5+ years now. My kid has a torsion opener on residential door (16') but don't know make. About 2-1/2" clearance above rails, even though its a 9-1/2' ceiling.
*I found some more on Wayne Dalton. I've put in a request to find my local dealer and see if they sell this opener for other use on other door systems.See this link:http://www.waynedalton.com/doorMaster_body.ASPScott
*I am looking for an automatic garage door opener for "swinging doors". Has anybody seen anything like that?
*what is the advantage of torsion spring opener? Scott, when you find out price compared to traditional, please compare for us.I installed Chamberlin Whisper Drives (belt drive). Very nice. Now, installing a garage door opener is one job, IMHO, that only belongs in the hands of a professional. Not due to the danger involved... just the frustration level I felt installing them in the past!
I'm about to purchase two garage door openers - with a zillion models and 3 types to choose from - anybody know of a good recent review of these products? I found nothing on Consumer Reports website.
I'm told there is one company that makes a torsion spring mounted version - anyone have more information/experience with that type?