A couple of weeks ago, I laid a new tile bathroom floor here at home and I’m getting mixed advice about sealing the tile themselves. These are Egyptstones unglazed tile and I have no previous experience with unglazed tile. Some of the folks I’ve talked to say I should seal both the tile and the grout with a product made to do both at once and some say I don’t need to seal the tile at all.
Any and all advice appreciated. Should I seal both? Do I need to seal the tile or is sealing the grout sufficient? If sealing both is recommended, which product? Will the sealer impart a shine to its more or less current matt finish?
We chose this tile because of the matt finish, but I don’t want to find it full of stains down the road because I didn’t seal it and should have.
I'm not sure what Egypstone is but if its not sealed then you should most definatly seal it with a really good sealer along with the grout. Theres no harm in that. they sell sealers that keep the finish matte. I sealed limestone in my house and it stayed as matte as before I sealed it. I,m not sure if Egyptstone is very pourous or not. I assume not otherwise you wouldnt have put it on a wet bathroom floor ready to stain. I paid over $80 a quart for the sealer I used. It can get pretty pricey but its a must if its a pourous tile. Don't let all your work get ruined bro. So what IS this Egypstone? Does it hold you hostage when you walk on it? lol....Honestly though....any links to the product?
Be well
It's not who's right, it's who's left ~ http://CLIFFORDRENOVATIONS.COM
Hey, thanks for the quick response.
These are 2x2 man-made tiles and closely resemble the look of granite. Made by American Olean. A quick search here hasn't led to any specific pages that are accessible except one that only has pics of the tile. I'll tag that on here below. We laid the Alabaster color.
The folks at the tile center said that they need no sealing, but I've gotten a contradictory recommendation from others.
Maybe it's just easier to cough up the dough for the sealer tahn to sit there on my hands and knees sealing every friggin' grout joint anyway.
I'll wait first and see if anyone with firsthand experience with these things has anything to tell me.Knowledge is power, but only if applied in a timely fashion.