used it before, not to impressed, but OK for small jobs.
Always wore Glass glasses (myopia) till this year, and tried plastic.
did one can of the crap, apparently airborne little partilces put all kinds of pits in the new glasses.
will never use that crap again.
How come nobody on this board ever reported that before????
Are you gripeing about the spray foam or about the plastic glasses?
I'll join in on the latter. I got tired of the weight of glass on myu face so this year, I got plastic. After eight months, I can't hardly see out of them, even with the special anti scratch coating.
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Taunton University of Knowledge
FHB Campus at Breaktime.
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I'm gripin' about the crap in the can.
All the GD warning labels about the obvious etc, and this wasn't there.
OK I took chemistry, and should have known and predicted myself, shame on me.
Anyway, F&%$^^$$ shi^%&*&yy stuff"
Plastic lenses also not recommended if you do any welding.
A little spot on glass lenses is a big crater in plastic ones. I use old glass ones for that. Can't see that good anyway...
The sandblasting our high winds give us all the time also scratches plastic.
Plastic lenses and contacts are for indoor or good weather only, I think.
Another annoying problem is the ones that turn dark outside. They also turn dark when is cold, even in the dark!
That helps explain why I can't see anyuthing in the basement out of the sun where it is twenty degrees on th e job
Welcome to the
Taunton University of Knowledge
FHB Campus at Breaktime.
Excellence is its own reward!
Did you get them at Lenscrafters? When I first got plastics ,because they conveniently did not have glass instock any more , they had a one year warranty .The last time it was one month. They know what junk is.
"Anyway, F&%$^^$$ shi^%&*&yy stuff" "
An almost verbatim quote from the last time I opened a can, which was quite a while ago. <G>
If there was really a truth in advertising law it would make for a fun label ...
I don't use it for anything anymore. The same foam we use to stick ICFs together does a far better job at a lower cost with less mess and nowhere near the cleanup trouble.
Dude, wear safety goggles. What if it got in your eyes? Cures nearly instantly when contacting moisture, like your eyeballs.
Also, hair protection is wise [don't ask].
The reusable foam guns are more precise, and neater to use.
>>Also, hair protection is wise [don't ask].
Here is my gripe, how come nobody warned me about that... well, too late.
Plastic lens is for watching TV only. Anti-scratch coating is how Lenscrafters make money.
Safety glasses are polycarbonate, so they're probably no good for spraying foam either.
"Here is my gripe, how come nobody warned me about that... well, too late."
They would need a much bigger can to warn you of everything you should not do with spray foam.
I LOVE SPRAY FOAM!My life is my practice!
Art, those plastic lenses are crap. It's only a matter of time until they are junk, you just accelerated the process.
No waiting.
Had some once, never again.
Joe H
Man you guys must be cheap -sses. Buy a pair for work and one for after hours. And get the guarentee. I turn my work glasses in for new ones usually a couple of times for replacement during the 2 year warranty period. By the time they die and have no more free replacements I am due a new script anyway. Sometime if my script doesn't change much I just rotate my after hour glasses into work glasses until they are trashed and then get new work glasses. DanT