when im grouting a wall…. usually those 4×4 tiles.. less than an 1/8 space
im finding after grouting.. swiping, sponging…
I come back about 30 minutes later and Ive got pin sized holes everywhere?
What am i doing wrong?
Am I not waiting long enough before breaking out the sponge and cleaning the grout off? Usually I wait till it just dries on the tile. Get that dry film type look.
Or.. am I not working it into the gaps enough. Usually i just work it around in a few differnt directions to try to get it in good… then swipe it away with the rubber float at a 45 degree approach.
Im Puzzeled.
Plus im no tiler
It would seem you're mixing in air, from the Bryne book I learned to mix grout slowly but thoroughly by hand and let it slake for 10 minutes.
Edited 7/26/2005 8:45 pm ET by Jeff2
Slake, not slack.
it's air in the grout, most likely.
try a low(er) speed mixer rather than a drill.
or .. mix by hand and "fold" it rather than beat it around.
Buck Construction
Artistry In Carpentry
Pittsburgh Pa
Too much water. There is a delicate balance with non sanded grout. I'm not sure that is has anything to do with the water itself, but the extra "whipping" when you add too much water. If you have just the right amount of water you shouldn't have to mix much.
I know this isn't very helpful, it's a feel thing, not something that can be explained 2 dimensionally over the internet.
opps.. left this part out...
its a pre mixed grout.. stainguard grout.. and epoxy based grout
On very thin grout lines, I will usually take the trouble to wipe down each line with a corner of the float to make sure enough solids are packed into the line before I scrape the surface with the edge. So check the rubber on your float to make sure the edges and corners are still sharp, and remember you gotta use a lot more muscle grouting than most people think. If your arms don't get tired, you're not pushing hard enough....
A day may come when the courage of men fails,when we forsake our friends and break all bonds of fellowship...
But it is not this day.
thank you.
Good luck.
A day may come when the courage of men fails,when we forsake our friends and break all bonds of fellowship...
But it is not this day.
In that case.
I have no idea.
I've used that premixed stuff twice in my life. The first time was on the very first tile job I ever did -- a DIY on my own kitchen counter. Just like yours, mine showed about a million pinholes when I looked at it the following morning. My only option was to regrout, hoping that this was not some sort of fisheye problem like car finishes can get when there's any silicone in the mix. The second coat took care of all the holes.
The second time was about three weeks ago. I was hoping (stupid me) that over the years, the manufacturers would have fixed the problem -- and I really like the fact that this stuff needs no sealer.
My hopes were dashed, and I regrouted that job too.
Guess how many times I'll use that stuff in the future?
Unless you're the lead dog, the view just never changes.
in that case ...
it's the grout.
do a net search on the stuff ...
terrible ... terrible product.
I haven't heard/read one install where it didn't pock mark up and/or shrink.
Just visited some friends across the state ... they wanted me to give them tips on fixing their grout ... saw the can .... all U can do is apply .. and reapply ... and fill it all in till the shrinking stops ... then hope for the best.
Or .. dig it out asap and use real grout.
personally ... I think any premix is "lower" then dry mix ... but this stuff ... it's a special new low level of crap. Hopefully enough people will get together and sue and drive this product out of the market.
Jeff Buck Construction
Artistry In Carpentry
Pittsburgh Pa
Thanks Jeff.
I thought it was just me. had me shakin my head
Encountered same problem with pre mixed grout.
I was remodelling some condos where the h/o done a few things himself which included tile & grout.
He got as far as one kitchem tiled and grouted until he gave up and I had my tile guy fix his mistakes and finish the rest of the units. The pre mixed grout was useless to say the least.
Carpenter / Builder, Rhode Island
I tried the pre mixed stainguard stuff from HD or Lowes and it did the very same thing. Pin holes and shrinkage I thought I did something wrong.
Came back and fingered the stuff over all the joints so it looked pretty good I was doing this on a rental I own.
Glad I was'nt doing it for someone for pay It would be hard to explain to a homeowner.
Never again.
exactly the same stuff.. same problems.
Like the last guy said... guess how many times I'll use that again
Thank you to one and all for the feedback.
good luck