I want to hang copper rain chains to handle rain runoff from two small valleys off a porch roof. No eavetroughs (gutters) are going in so I can’t hang then from downspout outlets which is the usual installation.
I was thinking of bonding a brass rod from the ends of the valley (maybe with a downward curve to encourage the water to follow) and attaching the chains to the rod. Any thoughts? What would be a reliable adhesive for this?
Here’s a picture of a rain chain in case…
Greetings e2,
This post, in response to your question, will bump the thread through the 'recent discussion' listing again.
Perhaps it will catch someone's attention that can help you with advice.
However, that subject has been addressed here on Breaktime a number of different times in the past.
In the event you fail to receive the information you desire, you might find it in the archives.
If you scroll down in the lower left corner of your screen there is a search function that will take you to previous threads dealing with whatever you type in the search bar.
If you type in 'rain chain or other keywords of the subject matter you'll get a supply of data from those old threads.
half of good living is staying out of bad situations