I’m planning on using 1 X 4 (1″ X 3 1/2″ net) Hardi Trim for my exterior casing and I was wondering about sealing it at the window’s perimeter. I have new construction Milgard vinyl windows with the standard nail fin and raised lip that would normally be the stucco screed.
Should I keep the trim back from this lip by 1/8″ and fill with caulk later, or could you run a bead around the window and press the trim against it?
Second concern: Sould I go with the polyeurethane sealant or the 100% silicone (i.e. GE Silicone II, 50 year). The poly’s less than $1 more per tube and I’m not concerned about paintibility since it’s such a small gap.
Why not do both? caulk it, then smoosh the trim onto the caulk. then go back and run a finish bead later.
And by all means use the urethane caulk!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! it will outlast silicone tenfold. It would be a bargain at twice the price.
Exactly what Mark said. I do both. Take no shortcuts when it comes to sealing out the water. I would go with the poly caulk for painting purposes. It's what I use all the time on fc siding.
Thanks for the replies. I'm convinced I'll go with the urethane caulk. I like the idea of running a "setting" bead and following up with a finish bead. Urethane's allot messier to work with, but I know I'm doing a better job.